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#212762383Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:40 PM GMT

There are several steps to hosting a Navy RT. They are to be carried out without mistake. Step one: Go over rules and regulations regarding the training. Examples are as follows:- "Always addre#######s (rank if under SLT or Sir if above)" - Immaturity will not be tolerated - You will treat me with respect and your fellow soldiers. Step two: You will demonstrate the following faces: Left, face! Right, face! About, face! If you have CO-Host with you, have them demonstrated the command "Eyes on me!" (In which they will always face you) Step ###### ###### into two columns and name one column "Team A" and the other "Team B". This will keep the RT organized and you can easily tell if someone has fallen in.n. If you can't tell if someone has fallen in, you shouldn't me in the Navy. After you have teamed them, march them using. Ex. "PREPARE MARCH!" "FORWARD..." "MARCH!" Step four: March them to Obby A and go over these rules: "You will complete this is 3 minutes or less!" "If you cheat, you will be dismissed on sight!" "DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT FALL OUT OF THE OBBY TO SPEAK WITH ME OR (Co-Host)!" Step five: Make the ones who could not finish do 10 hell jacks. If one cannot demonstrate a hell jack after you show them, dismiss him/her. Step six: Repeat steps 3-5 for Obby B. Step seven: march to the Rally Hall and get the attendees into formals. If there is few on, use Education Hall (Near Spawn). The Rally Hall is up the road of Obby B. Step eight: Say the 11 General Orders to the attendees and teach them Navy terminology. Such as now they must say "Aye, sir" instead of "Yes, sir!" Step nine: Have the attendees who passed send a request to the Navy.If they do not know how, explain to them. Step 10: Message 99sf,zag,ccrunck12, or I with the names of those who passed. I suggest going to me first so you do not bother the other Officers.
#212762430Saturday, March 25, 2017 2:41 PM GMT

"Always ####### me as (your rank)!"

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