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#212786214Saturday, March 25, 2017 9:14 PM GMT

This is the Official 2017 Moss Legend Football League Schedule for the NFC Conference! Times for each week will vary by week Green Bay Packers- 1. Steelers 2. Patriots 3. @ #eahawks 4. Texans 5. @ #heifs 6. Falcons 7. @ #exans 8. @ Ra#ens 9. Cowboys 10. @ Ra#ders 11. @ Gi#nts 12. Seahawks 13. @ Li#ns --------------------------------------------------------- At#######alcons- 1. Patriots 2. @ #owboys 3. Cheifs 4. @ #avens 5. Steelers 6. @ #ackers 7. @ #iants 8. R##d####### ###t#e########. Cowboys 11. Lions 12. @ Te#ans 13. Seahawks --------------------------------------------------------- Dallas Cowboys- 1########################################eahawks 5. Texans 6. @ #atriots 7. Ravens 8. @ Li#ns 9. Packers 10. @ Fa#cons 11. @ Te#ans 12. Steelers 13. @ Gi#nts ---------------------------------------------------------- Seattle Seahawks- 1. @ #ions 2########################################iants 6. @ #avens 7. Steelers 8. @ Te#ans 9. @ Ch#ifs 10. Patriots 11. Raiders 12. @ Pa#kers 13. @ Fa#cons ---------------------------------------------------------- New York Giants- 1. Ravens 2. Steelers 3. @ #atriots 4. @ #ions 5. Seahawks 6. @ #aiders 7. Falcons 8. @ Ch#ifs 9. @ Te#ans 10.####t#e########. Packers 12. Patriots 13. Cowboys ------------------------------------------------------------ Detroit Lions- 1. Seahawks 2. @ #aiders 3. Steelers 4. Giants 5. @ #avens 6. @ #heifs 7. @ #atriots 8. Cowboys 9. Ravens 10. Texans 11. # Falcons 12. # Cheifs 13. Packers -------------------------------------------------------------

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