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#212927157Monday, March 27, 2017 6:00 PM GMT

COACH If you want to host a class then shout the first three or four letters in your username depending on if your username is identical to another. In the end, the shout should look like this ( [CLASS] 2PM - Hay || Emi - 5PM || Emily - 8PM ) . After you shout, you are expected to be at the dance studio 15-20 minutes before your planned class, this shows that you are prepared and dancers should be beginning to showing up. Once your class begins, start with a introduction then begin with exercises (during exercises take the time to write down all the username of the dancers attending your class). Once exercises are over, everyone should be lined along the mat, then you shall begin with your class! Remember, no admin abusing, no bad language or any form of unprofessional behavior, no games that are not related to dance, use your class time wisely and remember that supervisors are watching your classes and will report back to me if you are not doing your job or following the rules. After class forward me, HayeIIe, all the dancers who attended your class, the best and the worst, and any bad behavior from dancers. That's all for now, ta-ta.
#212927204Monday, March 27, 2017 6:01 PM GMT

is this od stuff. ew 2ic of SCR || Dev || Bacon lord
#212927225Monday, March 27, 2017 6:02 PM GMT

The father of Christ compels you, demon!
#212927997Monday, March 27, 2017 6:18 PM GMT

#212934437Monday, March 27, 2017 8:15 PM GMT

omg she messaged me "Your entitled to your own opinion, now please, just stick with star wars." guys the ODer strikes back. inb4sheasksmeout 2ic of SCR || Dev || Bacon lord
#212934477Monday, March 27, 2017 8:16 PM GMT

COACH If you want to host a class then shout the first three or four letters in your username depending on if your username is identical to another. In the end, the shout should look like this ( [CLASS] 2PM - Hay || Emi - 5PM || Emily - 8PM ) . After you shout, you are expected to be at the dance studio 15-20 minutes before your planned class, this shows that you are prepared and dancers should be beginning to showing up. Once your class begins, start with a introduction then begin with exercises (during exercises take the time to write down all the username of the dancers attending your class). Once exercises are over, everyone should be lined along the mat, then you shall begin with your class! Remember, no admin abusing, no bad language or any form of unprofessional behavior, no games that are not related to dance, use your class time wisely and remember that supervisors are watching your classes and will report back to me if you are not doing your job or following the rules. After class forward me, HayeIIe, all the dancers who attended your class, the best and the worst, and any bad behavior from dancers.
#212939052Monday, March 27, 2017 9:28 PM GMT

Yes, I did. Lmao, problem?
#212940806Monday, March 27, 2017 9:55 PM GMT

omg. she thinks ODing is good. help me. its not. and agasint roblox tos 2ic of SCR || Dev || Bacon lord
#212951820Tuesday, March 28, 2017 12:41 AM GMT

Actually I don't, and I'm pretty sure harassment is against roblox rules too.

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