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#212929605Monday, March 27, 2017 6:54 PM GMT

(This is one of my first proper roleplays on the ROBLOX Forums and this storyworld was written for a competition) PLOT The roleplay is set on a planet in the far future called Aeton 56, where they are very far behind in technology compared to Earth in the present. They only have steampunk-style steampowered machines but they are advanced in Quantum Physics. ##### ######## 'Friedrik Boyum' is a ruthless ruler and is oblivious to the people's welfare. The economy is terrible and more than 75% of the world is poor and some are lucky to have cardboard boxes to live in. Using their newly-created Quantum Stablisers (using up every source of power they can find for 6 months), they can use the rift in time that led them to their planet in the first place, to contact Earth from the year 2017 in order for them to bring the humans through their portal and create a utopia for both the Humans and the Aetons. One Aeton, Hercules Diamondskin, is a ruthless young teenager who is out to save Aeton 56 from Friedrik Boyum and save both the planet and the Humans who are desperately trying to contact the Aetons. Places London, England, Earth - Run by Teresa May and the Conservative Party in the year of 2017, they only wish to help the Aetons. Kilsig, Aeton 56 - The capital of the Aeton, they want a better life for future generations but Friedrik Boyum won't allow any of this so they want to assassinate him, thinking it will help to save them from the corruption. RULES 1. You can have 2 characters, one from Earth and one from Aeton, this is to show the contrast between both worlds. 2. Give your characters unique abilities such as 'playing the piano' rather than 'best at lockpicking' 3. No characters with unrealistic abilities, this ruins the roleplay for everyone. 4. To show you've seen the rules, write the word 'Voicebox' in your Additional Info section of your character sheet. Name: Nickname(s): (Put N/A if your character doesn't have any.) Age: Appearance: Gender: (Possibly put pronouns used as well if applicable.) Main skills: (Got in lots of fights on the streets, so knows how to handle themselves?) Other/Unique skills: (Can lockpick but is slightly rusty at it.) Personality: (Optimistic?) Backstory: (Parents died when they were young, etc.) Additional Info:
#212929663Monday, March 27, 2017 6:56 PM GMT

Apologies, the hashtags in the 'PLOT' paragraph says 'Their minister.'

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