#213476870Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:03 AM GMT

Also, Gol is on his III layer. He must learn to stand up for the right cause. He must stop noobs from protesting about Tiix.
#213477133Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:07 AM GMT

He made them stop with a speech.
#213477154Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:08 AM GMT

Boos, deep in the souls, found a way out. Again. He destroyed his lump of coal so he can stay human. He ran out, finally to be free. But something stopped him. A portal ripped everything away. (Everyone is in a new land now, Daily can describe a new world that this will take place in.)
#213477189Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:08 AM GMT

Gol did well. The IV layer was standing up for what is right. Gol must fight for something he believes is right. He must peacefully fight.
#213477248Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:09 AM GMT

So he did it. The last layer was a mix of them all.
#213477251Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:09 AM GMT

No Boss, everybody is not in a new world. That's kind of against the rules. Still a couple things going on. Boos was trapped away by the portal. He, and the evil Sarah and Katrina were teleported through the portal to a McDonalds in the sky.
#213477293Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:10 AM GMT

Gol proved right. Lenny released him from punishment. Lenny decided whether to bring him back to life, or send him back to the land of faded souls. Meanwhile, Boos was eating a Big Mac at McDonalds.
#213477348Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:11 AM GMT

Lenny brought him back to life.
#213477417Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:12 AM GMT

But the portal ripped Gol away too. It teleported him to the sky McDonalds. He met Boos and became friends with him. But he didn't know Boos was a bad guy.
#213477499Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:14 AM GMT

Also, the land of faded souls was becoming unstable. The gates had started to open. A couple souls, which were the witch, and Boss, were starting to escape.
#213477677Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:16 AM GMT

Gol flew away when he realised boos was bad. When he reached the clouds he was teleported to green hq he became friends with all the people there again.
#213477788Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:18 AM GMT

Gol and Green forgave each other. Berry and Char were there too. They decided to go out for dinner at the McDonalds in the sky. When they got there, they saw Boos eating a fillet o' fish with Sarah and Katrina.
#213477883Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:19 AM GMT

Gol caused the next economy growth.
#213477958Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:20 AM GMT

The economy growth was McDonald's growth. It increased because a bunch of noobs, called by Gol, came to eat. Not only that, Boos was still stuffing himself with food and paying a lot of money.
#213477978Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:21 AM GMT

Then Green made Gol immortal.
#213478031Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:21 AM GMT

Boos was XXXXXXIV times the size of the sun.
#213478103Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:22 AM GMT

The health department had to come to take Boos to the hospital. After he was cured, he was put in a course for physical health. Then he was referred to a trainer.
#213478147Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:23 AM GMT

X years later he was normal.
#213478194Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:24 AM GMT

He lived a normal life, and had some kids with Katrina. He ditched Sarah, and Sarah was mad. Very mad.
#213478349Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:26 AM GMT

Then she bought a million generators and fired them at the couple.
#213478464Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:27 AM GMT

Katrina and the kids were blasted. Boos fired his death ray at Sarah. Boos cried for his children. Then, Boss came back from the dead. He had escaped! The came to Boos, and comforted him.
#213478670Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:30 AM GMT

Gol had a flashback to the time they escaped school when the army came.
#213478724Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:31 AM GMT

^ A reference to Trapped in Elementary? It had been a trouble. But he escaped! He and some kids named Jon and Blake made it! Gol decided to visit them.
#213478841Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:32 AM GMT

They had a good time watching tv
#213478958Tuesday, April 04, 2017 12:34 AM GMT

Then Gol decided to throw a party. He invited Boss, Boos, Char, Green, J o n, and B l a k e.