#215391015Thursday, April 27, 2017 5:35 AM GMT

(Clear) Red team The team were sitting at the very back, in their suits but their helmets still on. Gaige She was sitting with red team, waiting for the ceramony to commence.
#215424873Thursday, April 27, 2017 8:20 PM GMT

(Yea, repost it here.)
#215429113Thursday, April 27, 2017 9:26 PM GMT

Frisk *You are sitting to the right of Toriel. *You are wearing a dress of the blue color of your sweater, with sashes colored the same shade of pink as the stripes on your sweater. *Toriel is wearing a more ballroom ish version of her normal dress. Chara Sitting to the left of Toriel, i'd boredly gaze around the place. I was wearing a green dress the color of my sweater, with sashes the color of the stripes, yellow. Around my neck was the lock et Asriel gave to me such a long time ago.. Hidden away, there if I needed to defend myself, was my knife. But only for defense. Oh gosh I don't want more awful flashbacks.. --- (Flashback) Chara Walking through the purple hall ways dotted with bare trees accompanied by piles of red leaves, I found that the ruins were surprisingly empty. Did somebody..? But I didn't see any dust either.. After several attempts at puzzles, and a heck a lot of walking, I found myself in a house. The kitchen smelled like butterscotch cinnamon pie. Mom's butterscotch cinnamon pie... Smelled strongly of it too. Without even realizing it, I was crying.
#215431122Thursday, April 27, 2017 9:56 PM GMT

Nick, Lucario, and William didn't get dressed -- I mean, come on, they're Pokémon. At least they showed up, unlike Eric, who was probably off messing with sentient machinery or something.
#215432927Thursday, April 27, 2017 10:22 PM GMT

Gear He stood guard. Not much. 7331 "oh ok" 7331 now carries a pistol and a pair of nunchucks.
#215434799Thursday, April 27, 2017 10:53 PM GMT

The time has come... "SHE'S HERE!!!" Someone yelled and everyone gets themselves ready. Music starts to play and the doors open as Alona enters. She wears a beautiful dress that shines with colors when light touches it, and surprisingly, she appears to be standing up right, or maybe its her water manipulation that helps her.
#215435003Thursday, April 27, 2017 10:56 PM GMT

"Wow." Lucario quietly gasps. The Pokémon seemed to be shocked just at the sheer intricacy of the dress. They looked on in curiosity and amazement, even taking mental notes of the light touching it.
#215442524Friday, April 28, 2017 12:45 AM GMT

Blaze-Kat I sat next to F.i.ore, constantly handing her tissues and keeping her from drawing attention to herself. Wisp I would watch with interest, ignoring the mess of tears F.i.ore was. Frisk *The dress she's wearing is gorgeous... Chara Wow, that dress is really pretty.
#215442893Friday, April 28, 2017 12:50 AM GMT

She finally gets near to Jared and after the priest says some random stuff, finally he says "And you may kss the brde." And they did it, a large round of applause was given.
#215443743Friday, April 28, 2017 1:00 AM GMT

F.i.ore Despite Blaze's efforts, I burst out crying loudly. Blaze Seeing as my efforts had failed, I shot a 'help me' glance at Aether. Aether I totally ignored Blaze. Frisk *You wipe away the few tears in your eyes. What a beautiful wedd ing! Chara I was immersed in the moment.. Then somebody started crying like a maniac. That ruined it.
#215448420Friday, April 28, 2017 2:04 AM GMT

Sarge "It's so gross!" Donut "Is it really sarge?" Sim moms "I'm with sarge, I didn't want to see that." Grif "Nor me." Gaige She shrugged, "I don't care"
#215450028Friday, April 28, 2017 2:28 AM GMT

(Waiting for Consul to do his thing.)
#215488691Friday, April 28, 2017 4:31 PM GMT

-Henry- "Hah, remind you of anything?" I said, looking on at the ######## -Katherine- "Not at all." -Henry- "Wait, what?" -Katherine- "We got ####### in the grass, nothing like this. This is my first time I looked at an actual #########
#215500478Friday, April 28, 2017 8:54 PM GMT

Enylaus I stand up and slowly and sarcastically applaude, "Congratulations to the lovely couple is in order. Why don't you guys come out of hiding and give them your well wishes." Two warriors appear on either side of Jared and Alona. Throughout the ###### more appear filling the sides of the ###### with armed men and monsters like ogres and Minotaurs.
#215504349Friday, April 28, 2017 9:55 PM GMT

Sarge "Ready up men, we may have a battle at hand." The red team slowly got up, their weapons in hand.
#215519417Saturday, April 29, 2017 1:31 AM GMT

Alona I screamed, getting close to Jared. Jared "Hey!" I angrily yell "What is the meaning of this?!"
#215520613Saturday, April 29, 2017 1:48 AM GMT

Enylaus Flames consume me as I shift into my godly form and tower over everyone, "The meaning? War Jared the meaning is war." A large clank can be heard as an object drops to the ground behind Jared, "I'm sure you've already met the annihilator. Now let's get the reception started folks!" I draw both axes and move towards Jared while the mass of warriors charge into the crowd Endemic I just sit calmly and am ignored Vlad I disappear Antonio Me and my compatriots sit safe under a shield
#215520730Saturday, April 29, 2017 1:50 AM GMT

Chara My hand curled around the handle of my knife. No. I can't, shouldn't. Never again. I slid my fingers off the handle. Frisk *You stare on in shock.
#215520985Saturday, April 29, 2017 1:54 AM GMT

Jared Well then, looks like I have no choice. I take Alona's hand and then we make a run for it, with our friends fending off against the army. Alona "Jared, what's going on?!" I ask, panicking over what is going on. I can't believe our special day has been ruined.
#215521331Saturday, April 29, 2017 2:00 AM GMT

Chara Oh my gosh. I did not just see that. Those t w o seriously just did that. We're supposed to take hits from what was meant for him to suffer through? Hopefully somebody in the edgy evil gang has a pair of eyes. Like seriously, take responsibility for the evil people plotting against you. -- The familiar figure in the black lab coat sits down in a chair near En de mic. --- W.D Gaster "Well, that escalated rather quickly." "Tell me, do all human celebrations go downhill like this?"
#215522975Saturday, April 29, 2017 2:23 AM GMT

Endemic I scratch my chin, "Only rarely does it go this bad. Maybe the fifth time I've seen a wedd start a war."
#215523247Saturday, April 29, 2017 2:27 AM GMT

Jared We made it out of the chapel, only to see more of them outside. "Damn it! Why would it be in this very special day?!" I angrily yell as I pull out my Armed Aegis. "Alona, mind backing me up?" I ask her. Alona I nodded and then I summon my trident as we charge and fight off the army.
#215523520Saturday, April 29, 2017 2:31 AM GMT

Sarge "Oh holy.. alright, make a break for the warthog, don't act like heros." The team started to make a break for the warthog.
#215524605Saturday, April 29, 2017 2:46 AM GMT

W.D Gaster "I wouldn't know how social events work, i've always been a bit too dedicated to my work to go to these types of things." "And i've only ever been to ones wedd ing. Much less war starting ones."
#215524697Saturday, April 29, 2017 2:48 AM GMT

Finally, Eric arrived at the scene... as a Sylveon? With a differently-drawn style, no less... "Why, hello, everyone. What have I- aaaand of course." He rolls his eyes and playfully smiles, standing his ground against the army and using his new attacks to take out them out individually. (Look at my shirt for a reference as to Eric's temporary Sylveon form)