#217361870Friday, May 26, 2017 11:07 PM GMT

#217361932Friday, May 26, 2017 11:07 PM GMT

(Children. Breakable vase. You get the idea.)
#217363911Friday, May 26, 2017 11:36 PM GMT

(Jonah, I'm actually planning to have him killed by Murder Moon. You can help him in the killing process.)
#217364128Friday, May 26, 2017 11:39 PM GMT

(M. Gear has the Soul Calibur. I take it that makes him a target if you do an event, Sage?)
#217364530Friday, May 26, 2017 11:45 PM GMT

(Holy crap Gear, of all people after Jonah, why him?!)
#217364689Friday, May 26, 2017 11:47 PM GMT

(Not what I meant-M. Gear has the Soul Calibur.)
#217364749Friday, May 26, 2017 11:47 PM GMT

(....We might have a little problem here.)
#217364844Friday, May 26, 2017 11:49 PM GMT

(Eh...) (You DO have a point. Want it so that the Soul Calibur suddenly disappeared from M. Gear's inventory?)
#217364931Friday, May 26, 2017 11:50 PM GMT

#217365564Friday, May 26, 2017 11:58 PM GMT

(Since suc may not make a TITM 6 in a while, I'm in the pre-stages of planning a temporary return with one hell of a big event to retire not only Zoey, Allison, and Rei, but also Re i's anime universe, Dietrich, and some lesser-known mains like Danny and Katiana. And Pe ter Mo ore, the first character I controlled in my ROBLOX RPing career, and who may or may not get a massive powerup that would take nearly all of the anime universe's forces, military or not, will be retired as well. After the event, I'm going back to taking a break from crossover RPs.)
#217368000Saturday, May 27, 2017 12:32 AM GMT

(Reviving a few characters.) Volt I leaned on the side of s e v e n e l e v e n, sipping a red slurpee. Mist Sitting on the beach, I traced where the waves crashed onto the shore with my finger. Blaze-Kat The basketball I threw bounced off the backboard of the hoop, bouncing off the ground of the empty outdoor court a few times before settling to a roll. I took a gulp from my water bottle, wiping the sweat from my forehead.
#217371021Saturday, May 27, 2017 1:16 AM GMT

Murder Moon In Heaven "Die..." I say as the knives begin to fly towards Jonah, going to stab him at all directions. There is no way he could survive through all that. Jonah I quickly pull out two things from underneath my blazer; the lightsabers belonging to Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker. I would use them to deflect the knives until they're all gone. After the ordeal, I turn to Murder Moon, only to get stabbed by his knife. Murder Moon In Heaven "You should be careful who you are facing, or else death will cover your living body until you are nothing but a corpse."
#217373588Saturday, May 27, 2017 1:54 AM GMT

Asriel I sat down, looking around wherever I was for a way to pass the time until Murder Moon came back.
#217382412Saturday, May 27, 2017 3:47 AM GMT

Jonah It was shocking, VERY shocking. However, I have known a way to retaliate. My hands begin to glow white and I quickly make them go through Murder Moon's arms to pull out his soul's arms. Murder Moon In Heaven "That cannot be...!" Jonah "Soul Sacrifice Seal!" I yell as I use my knife to cut the soul arms. After that, Murder Moon losses the mobility of his arms and they begin to deteriorate. Murder Moon In Heaven "Y-Y-You!" I angrily yell as I back away from him, removing my knife from him. As a last ditch effort before my arms becomes useless, and quickly make knife out of darkness and throw it at Jonah, which stabs him in the forehead. With my arms now useless, I was left no choice but to retreat. I open up a portal leading back to my realm, walk through it, and then it closes. Jonah I smile a bit and say "At least...I did all that I could to stop him. make my one last request..." .... Demetrius As you are sleeping... "OH GOD JONAH!!!"
#217391146Saturday, May 27, 2017 6:19 AM GMT

EVENT(GEAR): The Demoman turned so fast he almost tripped, though he might've done the same even if he turned slowly. "I just saved yer' behinds, lad!" He burped. Without even looking, he fired two grenades into the crowd of robots, destroying a whole lot of them. EVENT(SAGE): The stick-figure immediately got up and faced Ami in a fighting stance. Words popped up beside his head -- weird way of speaking, don't you think? 'Who are you?' The words read. Flashback Eric: "He seems to be able to control reality. I can get past that. Try your best to sneak attack him while I take point. You can do more damage than me at the moment," Eric explained. "Sound good?" (More brain farts sorry my dudes)
#217403350Saturday, May 27, 2017 10:55 AM GMT

Ami I did not respond as I throw a bunch of kunai at the figure. "Speak in English!" I yell "I don't speak chat bubbles." -Flashback- ### ######### I say as Garuda is now on Rayquaza's tail. I carefully make my way up until I jump onto the Sky High Pokemon. I would then run towards Murder Moon, only to found out he is not riding the Pokemon. That is when I turn around and saw him holding Eric with is knife held onto him.
#217408763Saturday, May 27, 2017 12:52 PM GMT

(Wait, if the TF2 bots and Demo are there, and I added Ana... TF2 VS. OVERWATCH. COMMENCE FAN WAR.)
#217411771Saturday, May 27, 2017 1:45 PM GMT

(Ehhh, more worried about Proto/Wanderer. Pretty sure someone's gonna mistake it for an omnic or something.)
#217443478Saturday, May 27, 2017 6:49 PM GMT

(Mind if I drop Ana into the middle of the event?)
#217443696Saturday, May 27, 2017 6:51 PM GMT

(Which event?)
#217445552Saturday, May 27, 2017 7:08 PM GMT

(I thought you and Sage were in the same event? If not, then the o n e with the robots. Also ##### the event.)
#217445606Saturday, May 27, 2017 7:09 PM GMT

(I pushed the post button before even reading the preview. The tagged word is re cap)
#217447067Saturday, May 27, 2017 7:23 PM GMT

(Sure) Green Team and Monstrum Hunters are there. Prototype, Apoc Xenon, and M. Gear are on the way. (Hoping Proto doesn't get mistaken as an omnic.) (Planning on moving the Green Team and Hunters to other events, leaving only Proto, Apoc and M. Gear.)
#217448373Saturday, May 27, 2017 7:35 PM GMT

(You didn't exactly re cap the event, just the positions of the characters.)
#217448991Saturday, May 27, 2017 7:41 PM GMT

(Ok-I'll try a recap.) (It started with the Hunters, heading to a city to do recon on what the Voice had-and wound up ambushed by robots. The fight goes poorly at first, but the arrival of the Demo lets the Hunters start destroying more robots, tipping the fight their way. Then Typical Colors Green Team arrives to see what's going on, and start destroying robots once they find out they're hostile, but the fight's nearly over.) (Meanwhile, M. Gear and Apoc are headed to the fight, with the Prototype following...)