#213041746Wednesday, March 29, 2017 1:42 PM GMT

(Alright, Also can an admin go accept The Major, Id like to start my story buildup between him and Dr. Freigmund)
#213042517Wednesday, March 29, 2017 2:10 PM GMT

(Filler...) Elizabeth Hiding behind a tree, I watch the battle ensue. My son, Jared, has grown so strong, not unlike his sibling to which I hate. They reminded me of the man who left me before Jonah came. Indeed, my son reminds me of him, and he even has his personality too. When will he meet his own father? Or does he know that Jonah is his father? I think I didn't tell him that, but no matter.
#213042776Wednesday, March 29, 2017 2:23 PM GMT

Vosa I kneel, "Lord Balrag, We have begun construction of the pillars at the locations you specified." I look at the demon lord, "Soon enough our master Tenebris will arrive with the main force of the Corrupted Legions." Balrag I look down at the warlock, "Good, In the meantime, our master, in his infinite grace and mercy has delivered unto us more Corrupted Warriors. They will do nicely in beefing up our overall beginning assault." I smirk, "Unlike your undead pets they can actually fight." Dr. Freigmund I lean back in my chair and look ## ### #### of screens, gathering everything going across them with help from my cybernetic implants of my eye and brain. A few tidbits catch my actual attention and i slowly shake my head, "Zey are getting ready for a come back, God help the poor souls who get in their way." Ares I sit on my throne and wisps of red energy come through the doors and windows of my palace and flow into me. I look over at the scrying bowl and laugh at the scenes of war playing across it, "This modern world kills more than anything. Soon ill be strong enough to enter the mortal world again."
#213042930Wednesday, March 29, 2017 2:28 PM GMT

TEAM RWBY and JNPR They get sent flying, ending up either landing, rolling on the ground, or slamming into cemetery fences/walls. W ei ss's Aura breaks as a result of this. They try to recover, as Ren fired one of his machine guns at Jared.
#213043225Wednesday, March 29, 2017 2:40 PM GMT

Talavera I quickly make the barrier explode, pushing away the bullets. After that, me and Jared are already assuming our Enraged Modes, though his is a lot more different. Jared Shilber hair, prismatic eyes, and wings made of light. This is version two of my own Enraged Mode. Gripping on my Armed Aegis, I say to Talavera "Its good to have you back, now how about we deal with these guys like we used to?" Talavera "Can't agree more." I say with a smile on my face "However, no matter how many times we attack, they cannot be killed. It has to do something about their souls. Killing Stickman won't do a thing." Jared "Then we'll have to make them realize who they really are. I'm going for RWBY, you on JNPR." Talavera "Aye aye, Bestie!" I say and then we charge towards our target teams.
#213043369Wednesday, March 29, 2017 2:46 PM GMT

TEAM RWBY and JNPR By the time they recover, they saw Jared and Talavera charging towards them. RWBY then went for Jared while JNPR took on Talavera. RUBY She tried to lunge Crescent Rose at Jared. WE ISS She jumped and went for a mid-air stab. BLAKE She held both of her swords forward, hoping to stab through. YANG She leapt into the air, using Blake as a boost, before kicking Jared. JAUNE He went slower than the others and got into a defensive position. NORA She tried getting to Jared to whack him with her hammer. PYRRHA She transformed her rifle into a spear before proceeding to try slashing Jared. REN He continued to fire, only now firing with both pistols.
#213044047Wednesday, March 29, 2017 3:06 PM GMT

Jared I parry both Ruby,########################cks and then I use my sword to block Yang's kick. Talavera "Jared, behind you!" I yell as I went on Jared's back and use my sword to block the attacks before pushing them off and create a dark shield to block the bullets. "This is bad. A two-versus-eight match is not suited for us." I say. Jared "No need, cause I have this!" I say and then I blasted everyone off with a burst of light and then I show off my gauntlet-like device. "Everyone, behold! My new power!" I yell and then I press the center button of the gauntlet and it opens up to reveal some sort of rainbow-colored touch panel. OPEN UP! And then it plays a standby sound. SUPREME, SUPERIOR, POWERFUL BODY! DAIRINGAN! DAGZOUBAN! A huge heart-shaped crystal appears in thee sky and then I put my finger on the top of the panel and drag it down. Afterwards, I leap up towards the heart and get inside of it. After a while, the heart explodes into shimmering shining dust, revealing my new form. MAXIMUM POWER~! FRIENDSHIP~! As I land on the ground, I look at Team RWBY and JNPR and say "This is the embodiment of our friendship, our unbreakable bonds with each other. Friendship Burst!"
#213044888Wednesday, March 29, 2017 3:32 PM GMT

(Souls you say? *evil laughter with Vosa in the background*)
#213045007Wednesday, March 29, 2017 3:35 PM GMT

TEAM RWBY and JNPR They continue not to express emotions, so they mindlessly charge towards Jared.
#213045793Wednesday, March 29, 2017 3:54 PM GMT

Jared "All of you...have you all forgotten who you all are?" I ask as I press one of the side buttons of the device. GUN ON! A single barrel pops up and then I begin to shoot light bullets at the two teams. "I know you all hated me for not saving you, but I still haven't forgotten about all of you!" I say.
#213050803Wednesday, March 29, 2017 6:04 PM GMT

The object has been tossed about quite a lot. It's currently laying between the fighting.
#213072123Thursday, March 30, 2017 12:16 AM GMT

Lee He sent a wave of rocks flying to the zombies, while Gear is running straight in front of a random zombie and punching it. M. Gear The scientist was walking to the battlefield. He decided to help Lee and Gear... after he curiously picked the rock up.
#213072778Thursday, March 30, 2017 12:26 AM GMT

Jared As I kept shooting, I begin to remember the fun times I had with them, and thinking about it, I begin to cry rainbow tears.
#213072856Thursday, March 30, 2017 12:27 AM GMT

(Is Jared's and co a crossover or original idea?)
#213072947Thursday, March 30, 2017 12:29 AM GMT

TEAM RWBY and JNPR They receive damage from the light bullets, struggling to fight back. Nora's only leg broke off, so she fell onto the ground and began crawling.
#213072952Thursday, March 30, 2017 12:29 AM GMT

(I think it was an original idea. JTTU is the universe that Katherine and Co. met Jared.)
#213073594Thursday, March 30, 2017 12:40 AM GMT

(Did Lee and Gear manage to damage either team?)
#213076414Thursday, March 30, 2017 1:16 AM GMT

(When you said he picked up the rock, did you mean the key piece I was talking about?)
#213077467Thursday, March 30, 2017 1:29 AM GMT

The Major I lean forward across the desk and smile at the three officers in front of me, "Gentlemen, We have waited 73 years to take our rightful place in the world. 73 years, now you cowards want to back out?" I say calmly while holding the smile that doesn't reach my eyes, "Gentlemen, I have only one thing to say to cowards and traitors." I pull my P09 quickly and shoot each in turn, killing the last one just as it dawned on them I was attacking, "Auf Widerschien." As I replace the Luger I press the intercom button, "Frau Lulu? Please inform the janitors I have made quite a mess in my office." I pause for a second, "Also ask Lieutenant Servig to come see me when he has the time. I have a job for his SturmTruppen."
#213079023Thursday, March 30, 2017 1:50 AM GMT

#213079859Thursday, March 30, 2017 2:03 AM GMT

Jared I stop firing before I press one of the side buttons of the device. SWORD ON! A blade pops out and then I charge towards the group. "All of you even if you say that I have forsaken you, that doesn't mean that you'll all hold a grudge on me!" I yell "I- no, we did not forget about you!"
#213080193Thursday, March 30, 2017 2:09 AM GMT

TEAM RWBY and JNPR Whoever has melee weapons kept charging towards Jared and eventually slashed him, Yang's case, kicked him. The rest, Ren and Blake, began shooting at him.
#213080604Thursday, March 30, 2017 2:16 AM GMT

(You know what would be awesome, if Jared ((Was it Jared that Ares fused with?)) used his connection with Ares to bring him for a short time into the mortal world to help. Mostly because he controls the souls of soldiers of lost causes. Ex: Confederates, Germans, Italians, heroes killed by villains. That kind of thing.)
#213080812Thursday, March 30, 2017 2:19 AM GMT

Jared I ain't going to attack, I just slam the blade down in order for me to make a big leap over the attackers and land in front of both Ren and Blake. "All of your may forgot about me, but what about your families?" I ask. Kurz'Agul/Stickman Is he trying to knock some sense out of them? "All of you, don't listen to him!" I yell "All of his words are gonna be complete utter lies! Kill him!" Jared "Yeah! Go ahead, but you'll never know how are your friends and family are doing! They're all here in this world, and I did NOT tell them about your deaths! They are waiting...waiting for all of you to come back."
#213081899Thursday, March 30, 2017 2:34 AM GMT

TEAM RWBY and JNPR Unfortunately for Jared, they have lost pretty much all of their memories except ones where they learned how to use their weapons. Other than that, Ren and Blake stopped and began slashing him repeatedly.