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#212960196Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:35 AM GMT

Due to the immaturity of several agents, rules will be strictly enforced by High Ranks. -One of the rules that will be highly enforced, is reckless driving in the city. Now, if you are reckless driving, you are not only embarrassing yourself, you are embarrassing your Unit Commanders, you are embarrassing the Department of Homeland Security, and you are embarrassing your State. What will tourist and visitors think of Rockport, when they see a Homeland Security car going off road, crashing into other law enforcement officers. Let me make myself clear once more. Reckless driving will not be tolerated, and you will be liable for an exile from the department for doing so. - Secondly, respect for high ranks is getting to get low. With this said, ALL agents are to ####### all High Ranks (CRT Commander +) by Sir, or Ma’am, depending on their gender, at ALL official events ( Discord does not count). This will go into effect immediately, due to the lack of respect agents have for their superiors. The penalty for not doing this will get you a warning. - Thirdly, we have a discord, and it is a requirement to join it for commutative reasons. Our Discord code is NvD4m -Lastly, as a reminder, it is required for ALL Homeland Security agents to attend 3 training's by this Sunday, ( April 2nd). If you have not attended 3 training's by that date, you will receive a strike, if you already don’t have one. If you going to be inactive for a period of time, then contact a member of HLS High Ranks and state your length of time, and the reason of your inactivity. *The maximum length for you inactivity is 14 days* Everything stated in this will take effect immediately.

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