#213553812Wednesday, April 05, 2017 2:03 AM GMT

(Anyone can join at any time.) "I think it's some... base?" I respond. I then see the cafe owner behind the desk. "Hey look, we should grab a drink!" I say pointing at him.
#213568307Wednesday, April 05, 2017 10:22 AM GMT

I also came in then got some water
#213587254Wednesday, April 05, 2017 8:33 PM GMT

I looked around, then saw somebody come from the tunnel. "Wait you forgot to block the exit!" I say angrily. I then grab a chair and threw it at the kid in the café. I run through the tunnel and I used a boulder to block the door. I run back to the kid and I slap him.
#213590670Wednesday, April 05, 2017 9:38 PM GMT

"This cafe leads nowhere. Let's go up."
#213596816Wednesday, April 05, 2017 11:29 PM GMT

"Oh okay!" We then go up through the tunnel, and I move the boulder. But to my surprise, a bald man was sitting there, waiting for our presence.
#213598908Thursday, April 06, 2017 12:07 AM GMT

"Who... who are you?" The guy is retired teacher. He happened to be in the building, at a V grade party when the man came and locked down the school. He says he will help us.
#213599346Thursday, April 06, 2017 12:14 AM GMT

"Follow me." The man tells us. So we do. We follow him. He shows us hidden tunnels around the school. Soon, we led into a basement, with a door saying: "Elevator" "Go through there, and you escape." The man says. "We need to test it." I demand. I go in there and press "Up", then running out. After V minutes, the elevator never came back down.
#213600597Thursday, April 06, 2017 12:33 AM GMT

They only people who joined are noobs who can't even role play correctly, and you chose the most worn out and horrible topic, elementary. Try being creative
#213600910Thursday, April 06, 2017 12:37 AM GMT

I have no idea what your problem with Boss is, okay? If he wants to make a 'worn out' topic, let him. And don't comment unless you join. There is no way to 'role play' correctly.
#213600968Thursday, April 06, 2017 12:38 AM GMT

Let us RP the way we want to, and you can RP the way you want to.
#213601075Thursday, April 06, 2017 12:39 AM GMT

Everybody has their own way to RP. Some do it in an organized way, some don't. And give me III links of recent (meaning this year) RPs about elementary.
#213601356Thursday, April 06, 2017 12:44 AM GMT

Thanks Daily. You know what? You are now an admin. I thought about it and I think you should. You now can Make Rules (Approved by me first), and accept or deny people's character sheets! Now, let's get to the role-play.
#213601362Thursday, April 06, 2017 12:44 AM GMT

Daily, please. I can't even measure my frustration. You are under the age of 10, you don't even know what life has for you. So go outside and never share your bad And overdone endless Roleplays. If it was endless it couldn't be a story nor could it be split up since infinity can never be split, added to, multiplied or subtracted from, it is infiniate. Unless you learn basic math rules and how endless works I refuse to have an argument with you.
#213602151Thursday, April 06, 2017 12:56 AM GMT

STOP TAKING EVERYTHING SO LITERALLY. Everybody knows it's not really an endless story. It's just the title. So, you can't 'measure your frustration'? How do you think Boss feels when you keep finding things wrong with his RP? Don't tell me how old I am. You didn't answer my question. I told you to share links of elementary RP.
#213602240Thursday, April 06, 2017 12:57 AM GMT

I don't even make RP's anyway. All I do is the random endless story, which is the least organized RP (if you could even call it an RP) ever. It's not meant to be like the other RP's. When the story started, it was over done. Now, not many people do it anymore.
#213602281Thursday, April 06, 2017 12:58 AM GMT

Nobody on ROBLOX gives a care about math in the RP forum. No normal person would associate endless with math rules.
#213602455Thursday, April 06, 2017 1:01 AM GMT

You know what, I don't want to argue with a guy who actually takes math seriously in the RP forum and associates it with endless in an online game.
#213603646Thursday, April 06, 2017 1:18 AM GMT

The roleplay itself is very restrictive. Cannot escape, can kill people for no reason, no being an adult. The people (besides the NaCl guy) in the roleplay are not the problem.
#213604994Thursday, April 06, 2017 1:38 AM GMT

(Man, I missed a lot to say the least. Anyways, Bol, you really need to chill out. Boss is getting better, at least from what I've seen; there's really no need to constantly criticize him in every one of his posts in this subforum. Let him do him. If people want to join his threads, that's good. Stop ragging on him every chance you get dude. Just let him enjoy himself and the more he does things like this, the more he'll improve. I've seen you critique his RPs and while they might be helpful, they also come off very condescending.) Seth watched the entire massacre, eyes widening as tears began to form in his eyes at the realization he could die. He quickly wiped them away and got up slowly as to avoid attracting attention. Thankfully, kids were running to places they could hide so in all of the chaos it was easier than expected to get to a relatively safe area. He hid in a first grade room for what felt like hours, despite only being in there for 55 minutes. He slowly got out of the small classroom and bumped into a rather tall man. Out of fear of being killed, he pulled out his pocket knife, opened it, and thrust it deep into the man's inner left thigh. He quickly pulled it out and ran off as the man, now on the floor after dropping to his knees, writhed in agony. A while passes and he sees a group of three younger kids. He follows them quietly, wondering what they're up to and studying them to see if he can trust them enough to attempt to join them. A good while passes as he follows them and he sees them go into a tunnel. He decides not to follow them, instead deciding on risking waiting for them to come back out. A boulder is rolled over the entryway and he hides in the back of the classroom. When they come out, he follows them to an elevator, which, after travelling up, never returns. There's nowhere for him to hide so he has two choices: back off to the place he came through and risk being attacked from behind, or stay inside the room and find the most obscure corner in the room and hide there. He opts to go with the latter, hiding in the darkest corner in the area, hoping against hope that they don't turn or look in his direction and spot him. He observes the other kids, taking special notice on the kid that seems to be the leader of the group. He watches as that child tells everyone that they need to test it, in a rather demanding tone. Making a mental note that this child might be risky to attempt to converse with without any kind of advantage, he remains silent. He also makes another mental note that it might be best that if that kid tells him to do something he should comply to avoid setting him off.
#213606004Thursday, April 06, 2017 1:55 AM GMT

I look away from the elevator, at this time I've realized that we should just live in bare truth of the life we live in. "Guys, let's go back to our base." I say, in a giving in tone. "You, man, go back home or somewhere."
#213606073Thursday, April 06, 2017 1:56 AM GMT

Bossman deserves to Be 5 feet deep in the ground. Now before you think he has gotten better I have seen this EXACT THING elsewhere, he closed down an Rp because he was salty. We gave him a chance and he attacked us, this kid has closed down whole threads. He deserves a slow and painful death, and I never say that lightly. I MEAN IT.
#213620941Thursday, April 06, 2017 8:40 AM GMT

Stop, you are now insulting him.
#213623193Thursday, April 06, 2017 10:31 AM GMT

It's not nice at all. You are bullying Boss, how do you think he feels? It's on thing to say his RP's are bad, it's another thing to say he deserves death. It's the kind of stuff that should get you banned. Very rude, and insulting. You should not be saying this kind of stuff to anybody. Boss probably feels horrible seeing this. You need to stop. I MEAN IT.
#213623397Thursday, April 06, 2017 10:39 AM GMT

Burbank he does, and I don't care what kid on the internet thinks,
#213623799Thursday, April 06, 2017 10:54 AM GMT

We go back to the underground room, and wait there.