#213767127Saturday, April 08, 2017 3:49 AM GMT

"I guess. I can't shake the feeling he has guards and stuff on top of undercover agents and all."
#213767496Saturday, April 08, 2017 3:53 AM GMT

"Yep." A voice says on the loud speaker. "Woah, you can hear us?" I ask. "Every word." "Who are you?" "Nobody, now, shut up, it's past your bed time."
#213767600Saturday, April 08, 2017 3:54 AM GMT

I reached for my knife, Ready to fight who is going to kill us, in anger and energy. "Dont worry. I think I can handle this." I said. "This siggy is out of siggy power, please try again."
#213768111Saturday, April 08, 2017 4:01 AM GMT

"No, put the knife away. He could be in another building. Don't waste your time with him. Anyway we should get some rest." I tell him as I begin to lay against the wall. "Goodnight." I then shut my eyes and drifted to sleep. (I'm going offline now. So actually goodnight.)
#213769156Saturday, April 08, 2017 4:16 AM GMT

"How is there a speaker in here, what the heck?" Seth looks all around, baffled.
#213769857Saturday, April 08, 2017 4:26 AM GMT

I putted the knife away, Then made extra lock boards. then I drifted to sleep. "This siggy is out of siggy power, please try again."
#213770030Saturday, April 08, 2017 4:28 AM GMT

After i slept, I woke up. It was morning. I woked everyone up on the closet. "This siggy is out of siggy power, please try again."
#213806603Saturday, April 08, 2017 3:11 PM GMT

"God, just because we are hunted down and in hiding doesn't mean we can't sleep in!"
#213809758Saturday, April 08, 2017 4:03 PM GMT

Name: Jordan Age: VII Gender: Female Appearance: White shirt with a quote saying "Unicorns are real if you believe they are." in the center, also wearing pigtails with pink and blue hair bands holding them up. She is wearing rainbow leggings with pink tennis shoes that light up when you jump, walk, or run in them. She also wears a unicorn hat wear ever she goes because of how special it is to her, so she refuses to take it off. Grade Level: III Inventory: Unicorn Hat, III pebbles, and a light blue marker Bio: Jordan was never accepted as a person, she was always picked on for her looks, and size, and sometimes even her sense of style. She always tried to prove her self but each time it would mean being picked on even more. Her home life wasn't easy either, she is growing up with V older brother which are all in middle school and II younger brothers who are just stupid babies to her. Nothing is going her way, her parents are divorced and her dad is in jail, all she wants is a normal life, but she isn't getting it any time soon...
#213809811Saturday, April 08, 2017 4:04 PM GMT

June, accepted.
#213810348Saturday, April 08, 2017 4:14 PM GMT

(Im gonna start now, but thank you so much even tho I made this right next to you *wink wink*) -I try running down the hallway, looking for an exit, I cant find anything, I look outside and try to look for an open gate, all I see is red flashing lights and men holding guns, I run away as fast as I can trying to look for other people, no one on sight, I sneak in bathroom stall thinking what the heck just happened, I might need to stay here a while.
#213810356Saturday, April 08, 2017 4:15 PM GMT

"Well we need another base. Maybe the kitchen?" I suggest. Then all the sudden the whole closet begins to crumble. I grab the backpack and run out.
#213811081Saturday, April 08, 2017 4:28 PM GMT

-I hear footsteps running down the halls in a mad dash, I come out of the stall to looks, I see kids, I run after them not knowing or caring who they are at the point, they are heading for the kitchen, I cant do anything but follow them, if we get in trouble its better many then ####
#213823643Saturday, April 08, 2017 7:05 PM GMT

"I guess." I said. "I need to clear the gaurds out first. I ranned as quick as i could, I saw gaurds standing there. "HEY!" The gaurds said getting ready to fire, I throwed 1 knife at a gaurd and the gaurd was screaming in pain, cutted them quickly and throwed a knife on the last one's head. I grabbed my knife and went to the kitchen. "This siggy is out of siggy power, please try again."
#213829564Saturday, April 08, 2017 8:39 PM GMT

Seth quickly ran out of the closet, stumbling and nearly falling right as he got out. He recovered and continued to run down the hallway, hearing a bunch of armed men following them, and when he looked back, he saw.. were those pink shoes? "Who even wears pink shoes?" Seth mumbles to himself, regrettably loud enough for the others to hear if they were to focus on his words. Seth got in front of Blake, leading the group at this point, and dipped into a classroom, making it seem like he was abandoning them. As the group ran by, Seth watched as the armed men ran by. One left the group and decided to look for him, and entered the classroom, missing Seth, thankfully. Seth kicked him in the back of his knee, bring him down to one knee. He then hit him in the back of his head as hard as he could with his fist, knocking the unidentifiable man out cold. He picked up his gun, a Smith and Wesson MP45. Hands shaking, Seth ran out of the room and ran as fast as he could to catch up with the group and get behind the men chasing them.
#213829741Saturday, April 08, 2017 8:41 PM GMT

"Am I lost?" I said. "I better find my group because its dangerous alone." While i was playing tricks on my CS:GO knife. I ranned back my group and found them, Seth and blake was there. "Lets go to the kitchen, I found some CS:GO knifes there because some kid back stole the old knifes and replaced them with CS:GO knifes." I said when out of breath. "This siggy is out of siggy power, please try again."
#213831590Saturday, April 08, 2017 9:11 PM GMT

I ran down the hallway. I ran into the gym. Other kids were in there, fighting and stuff. Men begin to crawl in. They shot some kids. I look in my pocket, only a marker and a penny. The men then tackled a boy right next to me, so I made a run for it. I ran out the door and ran for the office. I got there and threw open the door, and a door saying "MEN TRAINING ROOM!" "It's for the army men..." I mumble to myself.
#213834630Saturday, April 08, 2017 9:50 PM GMT

Boss, at some point in the RP (not yet), can people start killing each other? A man comes towards me. I throw the pencil s h a # # # # # r at him, and he falls to the ground. I pick it up, and run to the cafeteria.
#213835221Saturday, April 08, 2017 9:58 PM GMT

"God Danged Mens!" I said in anger. I throwed a knife at a men and shot him with a pistol, Grabbed my knife and put it in my pocket. Men started targeting me which made me had enough energy to wrap space time. Everything was slow motion, I shot my pistol at the men and dodged bullets. I hit one of them, I ranned and stabbed the men with my knife, and throwed my knife at the men in the face. I grabbed my knife and gun, Collected the ammo they had. "This siggy is out of siggy power, please try again."
#213836334Saturday, April 08, 2017 10:11 PM GMT

(You can kill others, yes. But if you die you can make a new character, and don't be a Mary Sue.) I open the door, and see a wave of men. I shut the door and I run back out. Kids were now going insane and started attacking others.
#213836863Saturday, April 08, 2017 10:17 PM GMT

I runned to Blake, and said, "we need to kill the gaurds and the principle!" I said in fear. "We need to disable the machines and principle to survive!" "This siggy is out of siggy power, please try again."
#213837169Saturday, April 08, 2017 10:20 PM GMT

#213837390Saturday, April 08, 2017 10:23 PM GMT

*I scream as loud as I can trying to get their attention, no answer. I see seth look down as he glances at my shoes, I can tell hes thinking something bad about them, I get angry as I think about what hes thinking, but I try to ignore it, as I try to chase after them some more.
#213837483Saturday, April 08, 2017 10:24 PM GMT

"Fin." I said. "if we want to survive for V years, we want to fight and kill the principle and all the gaurds. It is impossible that there is a infinite amount of gaurds here. If we do that and it is a success, we will have to disable the machines and survive here." as I said while playing around my knife. "This siggy is out of siggy power, please try again."
#213837682Saturday, April 08, 2017 10:27 PM GMT

I lead him to the office, and I open the door to it. And to my suprise, a man in a leather jacket is right there. "So kids, you think you can escape?" He said. It was the man on the loud speaker.