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#213377381Monday, April 03, 2017 12:55 AM GMT

This was inspired by the novel "Back In The USSA", written by both Eugune B. and Kim N. is based in the twentieth century when the United States is occupied by a communist revolution in 1917, and Russia does not. Events: Beginning of the Twentieth Century Instead of Alexander II, the Emperor of Russia, being assassinated in 1881, it is replaced by Theodore Roosevelt being reelected as the President of the United States as a candidate of the Progressive Party, though is assassinated on December 19th, 1912. Then his vice president, Charles K. takes power, and leads the US into an even farther level of oppression, dividing the classes of wealth, and bureaucratic corruption. This led to an earlier entry into The Great War, and to the assassination of his rival candidate, Woodrow W. when the election campaign took place. By 1917, the US is politically and socially unstable, with complete civil unrest growing due to the loss of American lives in the trenches of the Great War. A massive gap is formed between the wealthy and poor workers. The Socialist Party of America, led by Eugene V. Debs, gains a growing amount of support from the people, and leads to the second American Revolution. This immediately led to the Second American Civil War, followed by Charles K. being evicted from the white house, and is executed for mass treason. The Socialist Order is implaced, and is led by Debs. In 1926, this early ideology is deplaced, and the power is taken controlled by Al Capone (as Debs is a parallel to Lenin, Al Capone is a mirror to Stalin), who continued to rule the USSA with an iron fist, establishing a cult of personality around himself, exiling his political rivals. Cold War Following WWII, the Cold War is between the United Kingdom, and the Constitutional Monarchist Russian Empire. The Indo China Wars took place, in which the USSA backed Communist guerillas, while the United Kingdom, French, and Russians somewhat supported the democratic regime. In the 1980's, the USSA begins to stagnate, and finally collapses in 1991. This leads to seperate nations within the original land the United States owned. Notes: For some of the names included in this, I had to abbreviate their LAhaST names (this was also censored) due to it being censored for some reason.

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