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#213408785Monday, April 03, 2017 5:12 AM GMT

[Artical one ]who am I ? [Artical two] what would I do for Docklands. [Artical three ] what will I do? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My name is Monaldo12 and I am running for senator because I believe there a lot of crimes popping up getting out of control for DNG even ask the General of DNG or commander so I would stop most of it by making the Group much more safer although we had a corrupt Governor as we had a few difficulty with the whole entire Department . As people want to be hostile on Horford, I would prevent that until I retire.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As I said stop crime and as a united group we will get better and better and we will be crime free and better and then better than Firestone and listen to citizen and try to put people dreams to make it the best group ever and I can make it possible if you all help me be selected by replying #SURPPORT .-#########################################################################################################will spend time to time helping and severing as much as I can possibly can and solve people crimes and help people groups like DNG and DST those groups that protect and don't forget to reply #SUPPORT.

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