#22217301Tuesday, March 09, 2010 3:13 AM GMT

[Derek] Hopping off the bleachers, I headed off to the forest in the front with Stella going at a quick pace.
#22217451Tuesday, March 09, 2010 3:17 AM GMT

[Stella] I walked with Derek, Thor by my side, literally shaking with anticipation now. I drew my dagger, and put a hand on Thor. (Hate to leave now but I have to go. Its, like, 9:20 here, and I was supposed to be asleep 20 minutes ago xD See ya tomorrow!)
#22217972Tuesday, March 09, 2010 3:30 AM GMT

(Wish you were in our timezone xD I'll see you laterr) [Derek] Getting over to the forest, Ms. Yoshida ordered us to line up in a row in front of the forest. Course she brough that darn thing full of those beasts there was no countdown, all she said was, "Go" And that's when she swung open the door, releasing the Soul Beasts, literally almost just a blur when they ran out. Jumping up onto a large branch of a tree, I started dashing from branch to branch, and the Soul Beast had gotten in front of me, jumped up as high from the ground to the branch, then leaping over to me. Ducking to avoid the attack, the beast seemed to have gotten a hold of my arm, my weight and balance falling uneven, I let my legs wrap around the branch, my head upside down and the soul beast starting to claw onto my arm, holding on. Ignoring the pain, I tried shaking him off. He held on tight, and continued to climb. My arm bleeding, I swung him over to the trunk of the tree behind me getting him off. Swinging back up standing on the branch, I continued to run. (AND NO THOR CAN NOT CHRIS BROWN, KANYE WEST, OR TIGER WOODS A SOUL BEAST)
#22219664Tuesday, March 09, 2010 4:16 AM GMT

#22223990Tuesday, March 09, 2010 12:23 PM GMT

(AWWW MAN!!!!!!!!!!)
#22224046Tuesday, March 09, 2010 12:28 PM GMT

(He can still Do this >:3) [Thor] Snarling, I grabbed the first Soul Beast that presented itself. More grabbed at my flanks, tearing. I blocked out the pain and attempted to focus, reading its thoughts, and tearing at it. As I was about to lay down the death blow, another Soul Beast rammed into my side, throwing me off balance and knocking me over momentarily.
#22225884Tuesday, March 09, 2010 3:28 PM GMT

(O no u dideen) [Soul Beasts (Value: 3+)] Sniffing at the blood smell, it traveled far by our scents, dashing over ever so quickly and working our way, pounced on his back, head, and lower body(Legs, stomach, etc) Biting and clawing out way, we showed no mercy. (NO. DON'T CHRIS BROWN)
#22226103Tuesday, March 09, 2010 3:46 PM GMT

[Serutei] I leapt across from tree to tree, trying to lose the soul beast tailing me. Stopping on a branch, I waited for the beast to attack me. Not the best plan.
#22234521Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:17 PM GMT

(O yesh I did! >:D) [Thor] I cried out in pain, more piling on me by the minute. I struggled furiously, smashing a few, though they continued to attack me. I could feel things slipping, fading from my vision.... ( (Oh See what you did jenny? D:<) [Stella] I saw Thor go down. I wanted to go and help him, honestly I did, but I couldn't. I morphed, shooting into the sky and surveying what was happening with sharp eyes, before dodging away as scales on my tail were pulled backwards. Snarling, I froze the beast and managed to shake it off, then landed, demorphed, and ran. my mind kept drifting back to Thor, wondering if he would be okay, but knowing I had to put my survival first, because I would certainly be caught if I went back.
#22235418Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:34 PM GMT

(Posting again cuz I forgot something.) [Stella] Looking down, I saw that the injuries from my dragon form were starting to appear on the back of my calf. Not as bad as the one that infected me, but still serious if I wanted to out-run anything. Knowing I had precious time left until the wounds were fully transpired, I morphed, clawing my way up a tree and launching off a branch to emerge above the forest. I skimmed the trees, and was grabbed from below by another soul beast. Snarling, I flew upwards and and spiraled, hoping to shake it off.
#22241055Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:17 PM GMT

(I'm HOME. And with more homework than I should have had. >_>) [Serutei] I continued to face the opposite way of the soul beast, still being patient. As soon as it nearly hit me, I turned around EXTREMELY quick, and punched the beast in the face. (The extremely quick thing is him being an Evening Speeder.)
#22241146Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:19 PM GMT

(Ew That sucks xD Good luck with the homework.)
#22241279Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:22 PM GMT

#22241346Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:23 PM GMT

(THATS RIGHT! *High Five*)
#22241505Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:26 PM GMT

(Now, we just gotta have Darkie here, so we can RP like there's no tomorrow.)
#22241542Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:27 PM GMT

(I know. *headdesk*)
#22241699Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:30 PM GMT

(Might as well make do with our RP skills. Well, pretty much yours, and my tiny brain tossed into a toaster.)
#22241868Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:33 PM GMT

(Gee Thanks, but mine skills arent much better than yours.) [Ben] I ran through the forest, a soul beast on my trail. My lungs burned as I forced myself to go faster. "GAH!" I cried, tripping over a root. Expecting claws in me any second, I turned. The thing was there, staring at me. (RP Block.)
#22242156Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:39 PM GMT

[Serutei] The soul beast on the ground, I leaped down so I could get in some one on one combat. Fist to fist. Well, fist to paws, anyways. Dashing in, I jumped over head, and kicked it. "Well, something life-threatening that involves school. I like it." I said, before having my right hand caught in it's jaws. Just wonderful. I attempted to pull away, but it's teeth started to sink into my arm. Not what I would call "the worst day ever", but close to it.
#22242382Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:43 PM GMT

#22242424Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:43 PM GMT

[Ben] Something inside of me snapped. Still full day, nowhere near full moon. Yet I could feel the change, but I wanted it. I could control it. Snarling, I attacked the Soul Beast, catching it by surprise and cracking its skull in my jaws. Still in control. I ran through the trees until I saw Serutei, and tore the Beast off of his arm, throwing it a good yard away.
#22242481Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:44 PM GMT

#22242547Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:45 PM GMT

(Hah, I gave all you suckers something to wonder about ;P )
#22242625Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:46 PM GMT

(WAZZZZZUP Because of you guys, I think I just failed my first test, like, literally xD It was Social Studies, based on like, WWI. I failed it. Hurray (: ) [Soul Beasts (Value: All)] Finding that the wolf wasn't going to fight back, trained to follow everything that our leader had said, we dashed off chasing off the others leaving the wolf to bleed. [Derek] Reaching to an un normally large tree, the branch that I had jumped on I was aiming at the dead end. Making my reactions quick, I jumped up and began running up the tree.
#22242773Tuesday, March 09, 2010 11:48 PM GMT

[Serutei] I had found myself thinking "What the hell just happened?". I turned, and saw the werewolf I had seen a few nights earlier. I jumped back, then realized he was in control this time. "Thanks for that." Was all I could say for now.