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#213808392Saturday, April 08, 2017 3:41 PM GMT

-{- Blaststick Courier Services -}-- Originating from Hallmond, BSCS is a order of couriers who lived in a settlement. They eventually acquired a large mill during their early years, and recruited couriers and workers with the promise of money. Couriers were sent all around Hallmond, delivering things. Meanwhile the workers worked to make supplies for the couriers. The Worker Service branch eventually expanded to become a selling branch, where it would also sell supplies to other people. About three years later, BSCS got enough funding and became intercontinental. Boats were sent to Trepheon, where the courier services expanded from ties with people they encountered. BSCS employs a variety of things but its main function is a postal service company. BSCS couriers are now common in continents, but they avoid continents and islands that they see are not civilized enough. Couriers have been known to be trained in extreme conditions and trained with unarmed/armed combat to defend their wagons full of who knows what. Honestly, BSCS is a courier service company. That's all to it. 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓷𝓭

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