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#214295000Friday, April 14, 2017 5:42 AM GMT

*This starts you just at the end of the battle at the shrine The thick underbrush lashes at your face as you flee north from the enemy lines. Lars had called to fall back, and so you did—you were near the duke, so you saw what happened. A fine slice through Larus’ side, and the blood gushed red as the knights rushed out. The battle raged on outside, and the light covering of fresh snow was stained ######## of red. You didn’t have your cloak either; somehow, the message was passed around the ranks to remove the cloaks to help distinguish Dallion’s men from Larus’. You follow behind the duke, who is carried by Lars, Eliyon, and ### ##### ############## knights. In the far northern distance, through a small clearing in the clouds, a faint green glow illuminates the moonless night sky. Patches of leaves above you are colored the vibrant yellows of autumn while the pines remain green as they ever are.
#214377238Saturday, April 15, 2017 2:57 AM GMT

Yeah, like I'm totally bothering to look at the trees or the sky while the duke is bleeding out. I don't think idle conversation or any significant actions from me are going to be helpful right now. The best option is to just keep following the guys until we stop somewhere for long enough to start seriously assess our options. I'm really hoping that Larus' wound isn't any worse than it looks. If the duke dies, I'm pretty sure that'll screw everything up.
#214379553Saturday, April 15, 2017 3:38 AM GMT

You continue following the band of soldiers. Eventually, they begin to slow down in a clearing beside a cliff. The citadel is visible in the distance, its bold orange windows flickering with each passing moment. They set the duke down in the middle of the clearing. "We need a doctor!" Lars shouts, "In this scuzzy band of you, we need a doctor! Where's Luna?"
#214498593Sunday, April 16, 2017 2:06 PM GMT

Alright, a nice ol' clearing. I really don't wanna step forward; in a situation like this an actual doctor or Luna (wherever the hell she is) would be the best option. I can help find someone who's great at healing people, but if literally no one steps forward in thirty seconds then I guess I have to. I'm as good a doctor as Lars is, but maybe.
#214776584Wednesday, April 19, 2017 11:31 PM GMT

(sorry, when i switched my username back it stopped tracking this thread so i was wondering where it went xD) "Speak of the devil," Eliyon quietly said. A separation appeared between the soldiers as they carried an unconscious Luna through with an arrow through her stomach. "Was anyone following?" Lars directly asked them. "No, not that we saw," they replied. "She'll bleed out before sunrise," Lars said remorsefully. "My father was a physician," someone said, the words getting caught in their thread. "Why didn't you speak up earlier?" Lars was too downcast to show any anger. "Do what you can," he requested, "if anyone else can help, by all means, do..." "The arrow went clean through," he said as he cut the arrow in the middle of the shaft, "does anyone have any spare cloth--just a ribbon of it--by chance?"
#214776704Wednesday, April 19, 2017 11:33 PM GMT

(wow i love how roblox removed all my returns so that it's just one nice, big, and messy paragraph)

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