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#214401862Saturday, April 15, 2017 11:41 AM GMT

Whenever I play Roblox a simple word or ID for something get's censorsed now. Like my first name and last. I get it you're trying to make the game more kid friendly, buy this is not the way to do so.
#214404413Saturday, April 15, 2017 12:43 PM GMT

Couldn't agree more, I can't even post a completely G-rated post without the censor just destroying it, can't even identify what to change because all it displays is a [REDACTED], alright then, don't even allow people to identify what went wrong despite your censor being complete garbage, forcing them into a position where they might as well not use the forums at all. Also the mere fact that on another account I was temp banned for "hate-speech" just by making fun of the problems with the censor without changing the spelling of ANY WORDS at all and using purely words that the censor allowed, shows that it DOESN'T WORK.
#214406541Saturday, April 15, 2017 1:26 PM GMT

After 2013 everything got screwed up. I can remember back in 2010 when I started on my first account when the admins actually cared, and did what they could. At the VERY VERY VERY LEAST, I could understand in game censorship, or censorship of messages sent through the website, but searches? What am I going to do, search stuff on roblox to somehow send a message? Searches are Queries, not messages. Nobody's gonna see that. It makes no sense. 13+ Used to be fun. Now 13+ is just as if you're 3 but you get a special title. Support like hell
#214406570Saturday, April 15, 2017 1:26 PM GMT

#214406842Saturday, April 15, 2017 1:31 PM GMT

I'd rather have ROBLOX actually exist instead of it being shut down as per children protection laws. Before CommunitySift, the filter was practically nonexistent and filtered specific words; I'm surprised ROBLOX was getting praise from relevant online companies.

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