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#21464258Sunday, February 21, 2010 8:51 PM GMT

--------Prologue-------- Forest. Fire. Water. Wind. All live in harmony together. They balance the world, they keep all living things alive. A peaceful land it is, our fair country of Karana. Who or what would want to destroy it? One man, damned by the gods he is. Drazius (Dray-zoo-es), an evil man. He retains a human form, but with the power he stole from the gods, he can transform into a hideous, blood-craving beast. Not only that, he is also skilled in weaponary, and even sorcery. But enough about him. Let us get to the reason your reading this. For some reason, the Elders of the four tribes of the land seem to not be themselves lately, which is a fatal problem. Why? The elders teach the people of the tribes how to control the elements their tribe is about, and with them not coopertaing, no one is able to teach the people the ways of the elements. It may seem to you not a big problem, but the people are one with the elements. Say if the Oceans tribe did not exist, the ocean would either demolish or go crazy. Felakess, Moinrev, Delmalizd, and Opianse are the names of the tribes if you were wondering. The king has sent his wisest servants to try to negotiate with them, but alas, has failed. What is the madder with these people? Find out in my story. A story of swords, adventure, temples, and legend. (Criticism is welcome. I just don't want "LOL PHAIL." Give a reason.)
#21464604Sunday, February 21, 2010 8:55 PM GMT

(Oh, yeah. If you want a character give me a name, tribe/status, weapon [If any], and appearance. Status = Guard, King, Princess, ect..)
#21466034Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

--------Chapter 1: Felakess Village-------- (This story is writtten in first-person veiw) I yawned as I rolled around my bed. Today felt diffrent, I don't know why. I got up and slipped into my boots. I walked out onto my porch and let the morning sun hit me through the trees. I looked around and saw everyone running about through Felakess Village. A boy yelled up to me. His name was Drakel, and he reminded everyone of their jobs and what not. "Lucius! You have that delivery to Karana Town today! Eat something then get ready!" I gave him a thumbs up, although I was still half asleep. I slid down the ladder into town and looked up at my house, a humongus version of a tree house. I went to the stream and splashed some water on my face. I was awake now! I went into the mess hall where everyone ate. I filled myself with a good breakfast and headed out towards the stables. I looked around and saw my horse, Kumalor. I petted him. "Get ready for some running later on, boy..." I walked out of the stables next to Kumalor and fed him. Drakel ran over to me and handed me a scroll. "Get this to Karana Town safely, okay? No screw ups." He handed me a wooden shield with the Felakess symbol on it. I looked at him oddly. "You know all the odd things that are happening lately...the tribe threat's and all that jazz? It's just for protection, you probably won't need it." I sighed and got on Kumalor. Me, Kumalor and Drakel headed to the gate that sepearted the Mieroka Forest Trail and Felakess Village. (If you want to know what Lucius looks like, how to pronounce something, or any other questions, feel free to ask.)
#21466375Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:24 PM GMT

#21466493Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:26 PM GMT

LOL PHALE! Lol jk. Its a very good story. You should decribe more about where he/she lives
#21466603Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:28 PM GMT

I agree with Bob
#21466776Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:31 PM GMT

I will soon. The story will be coming back here, that's why I didn't explain every little thing. Also, Lucius is a male. Lucius is an old/medeival version of the name Lucas/Luke.
#21467651Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:45 PM GMT

--------Chapter 2: It's a Long way 'Till Town-------- "You are ready, right Lucius?" Said Drakel. I nodded. "Okay. Don't get hurt or anything, make sure the note reaches the King safely." Drakel opened the gate. Kumalor began galloping onto the trail. Eventually Felakess Villgae was out of sight, only an army of trees surrounding me and Kumalor. I kept my shield up, ever vilagent. The only thing's I was seeing, however, were trees, squirrels, rabbits, and the occasional fox. I kept proceding at a steady pace. About an hour or so had passed. Suddenly, a howl noise shot through the Forest. This obviously alarmed Kumalor, he got up on his hind legs and threw me off. "Ow...be calm, boy." I looked around and saw red eyes peirce through the shrubbery. I looked at it strange, and the shrubbery started to shake. Something was coming...I put my shield up. It jumped at me at knocked me over! Thank the gods Drakel had given me this shield. I rolled backwards and it flew off of me. What I saw was a Dark wolf with demonic red eyes. "What..." I snarled and jumped at me again. It scratched my free arm. "Gah!" I rubbed the cut. I faced the wolf. It was going to jump again, but I was ready. As it jumped, I ran at him with all my might with my shield up. I jabbed it out, and BAM! Right in the skull! The demonic wolf rolled off into the mystic forest. "That was rough..." I said to Kumalor, who was ahead on the trail a little. "But the note is still fine." I got on top of my horse. "Be ready for more, Kumalor. It's a long way 'till town..." I said as I rode off.
#21467947Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:50 PM GMT

This falls way to quick.
#21468168Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:54 PM GMT

Name: Nicko Gender: Male Ag.e: 17 Job: Messanger Weapon: Shield Tribe: Fekaless
#21468276Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:56 PM GMT

You'll be in not the next chapter, but the chapter after that. I'll post another chapter in a little.
#21468445Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:58 PM GMT

#21469478Sunday, February 21, 2010 10:15 PM GMT

--------Chapter 3: The Royal Delivery-------- Hah...finally, made it to town. I tied up Kumalor to a post inside town. "I'll be back in a bit, boy." I said gripping the note. I walked through Karana town, admiring how diffrent the town is from the village. Concrete houses, cobble stone roads, venders on every corner, and let's no forget my destination, Karana Castle. I walked up to the bridge where the town meets the castle. Guards were there. "Halt! Who goes there!?" They examined me for a bit, and then I showed them the note. "Ah, the delivery boy of the Felakess Tribe. Your late. The other delivery kids are in the castle already." I could have told them the incident with the wolf, but I decided against it. I went into the castle, outside the entrance of the throne room with the deliveres of the Moinrev, Delmalizd, and Opianse tribes. We all knew each other. The girl from the Opianse tribe was the first to speak. "Luke! Your late..." The boy from the Moinrev tribe them spoke, with his deep voice. His tribe is a very strong tribe..."Luke! Lucky for you the King is running late!" I shrugged with the 'Lucky me' facial expression. Eventually we all were called in by the order we arrived, so I was last. When it was finally my turn I went in. The King was in his throne, with the Prince and Princess next to him. I presented the note and knelt. The King spoke. "Lucius Knoxeate of the Felakess Tribe! Come forth!" I did as instructed and handed him the note. He read it and put his hand on his head. "Ugh...what am I to do..." I kept kneeling. "You are free to go." I bowed, but I stood there. I swear...for a split second I saw a...evil looking shadowy figure behind the King. "What are you waiting for, boy?" I got my senses back. It was just my eyes playing tricks on me, I suppose. I scurried out of the throne room and back to Kumalor.
#21469897Sunday, February 21, 2010 10:21 PM GMT

Nice job.
#21470171Sunday, February 21, 2010 10:26 PM GMT

Thanks. Your character comes in the next chapter, but I gotta eat first. It'll be up in a little while.
#21471450Sunday, February 21, 2010 10:45 PM GMT

#21474486Sunday, February 21, 2010 11:31 PM GMT

--------Chapter 4: A Death Too Soon-------- I arrived back at the village, the shadowy figure still on my mind. I opened the gate and walked Kumalor in with me. Drakel ran up to me. "Lucius! Did everything work out all right?" I nodded. "Great news. I propose the King was upset...?" I sighed. "Yes." "I am not suprised." Drakel said. "I have no idea what the Elders are thinking. Not just our Elders of Felakess. All of the tribes." I looked at him strangely. I thought it was just our tribe. "Yes...it is a shame. Hopefully the King will sort things out." We talked about the subject on the way to the Mess Hall. We went over the bridge stretching across the stream. It was turning evening, and the firefly's and lightning bugs were coming out. Their light illuminated the village with a peaceful, dim light. We entered the hall and began to eat. However..."News! News! HORRIBLE NEWS!" Shouted Nicko, the villages messenger. He got up on the raised platform at the front of the hall. Drakel went up next to him. "Nicko! Calm down. Tell us the news." Nicko was again calm like he normally is, and stood at the front of the rasied platform, behind the podieum. "The King of Karana..." Everyone was at the edge of their seats. "...has passed. He is no longer with us." The Mess Hall was in uproar. "Settle down!" Nicko said with his strong voice. "Just today, after the deliveres left the castle. The prince and princess left, and he just...died. Right in his throne, no cuts or anything. Yes, it was indeed very early for him, but alas..." Everyone had a sorrowful look. "The Prince is not old enough to run the kingdom and become King. So the Prince AND the Princess will be the ones running the kingdom for the time being." Nicko stepped down. Everyone was discussing among themselves, but I turned away. I put my hand on my head and thought to myself. I was having flashbacks of the shadowy figure in my mind again and again. "...That silhouette..." I thought to myself. I mulled over the subject all night.
#21475004Sunday, February 21, 2010 11:39 PM GMT

Any comments?
#21482178Monday, February 22, 2010 1:23 AM GMT

--------Chapter 5: Coming Clean-------- It was very early, but news has no hours. Nicko came running into town with a message. I got out of bed, went on my porch and didn't even use the ladder. I just jumped. Nicko was bellowing, waking everything in the forest. "The Princess has a message! Everyone who had encountered the King yesterday must report to the castle!" Oh no- "That means you, Luke! Get in gear!" Everyone was eyeing me. I got ready and got onto Kumalor. Drakel opened the gate to the Mieroka Forest Trail without a word. I sped off. I arrived at Karana Town, luckily no wolves this time. The town was deserted. I went to the castle, the same guards who were there yesterday were doing there jobs. They recognized me and let me through. I waited outside the throne room, which was surrounded by guards. The girl deliverer from the Delmalizd tribe came out. "Lucius. Be ready for MANY questions." She walked off. The door was open, and a guard kicked me in. The door slammed close. I looked behind me, it was locked. The Princess was sitting in the throne, the Prince standing next to her. The Prince, even though older then the Princess, was silent and said nothing. "It's time to come clean, Lucius Knexeate." She said.
#21482516Monday, February 22, 2010 1:29 AM GMT

#21483518Monday, February 22, 2010 1:44 AM GMT

LOL PHAIL!!!!!!!!!!! jk I liek it.
#21483578Monday, February 22, 2010 1:45 AM GMT

Name: Wren A.ge: 13 Tribe: Opianse Weapon: None Rank: Priest's Daughter, Middle Class Citizen Appearance: Brown hair down to back that's slightly curly. Ice Blue eyes, wears an old fashioned Green dress with green slip ons.
#21484581Monday, February 22, 2010 2:00 AM GMT

--------Chapter 6: The Wolf and the Shadow-------- The Princess looked at me for a bit, which made me nervous. She then began. "Lucius. You were the last person to see the King, besides my brother and I." I nodded. "Did you see anything...wrong with him?" I shook my head 'no'. "Do you know anyone who would want the King dead?" Again, no. "As you know, the Elders of the Tribes have been odd lately. Have your leaders any grudges against the King?" Same as before, nope. "Agh." She said, and put her fist on her cheek. "One last thing. Did you see anything...out of the ordinary here? While you were running the errand?" N-WAIT. The Wolf! And the Shadow! "Yes!" I exclaimed, and ran up ro the throne, having no manners. "While on the Mieroka Forest Trail, a wolf attacked me. Oddly, not my horse. This wolf had midnight black fur and demonic eyes." She stood up and examined me with curious eyes. "Go on." She said. "Well, eventually I stunned the wolf and it disappeared in the forest. But there was one more thing. A shadow." "A shadow?" The Princess said. "Yes. In this room. BEHIND the King!" She was schocked and appeared even more attentive. "But...I only saw it for about a split second." She looked at me oddly. "...Okay. You said the wolf only attacked YOU, not your horse or any other living thing?" I shook my head 'no'. "T-Thank you, Lucius." She said. "Be aware, I may call you back. If you see anything like the Wolf or the Shadow again, get the messenger of you tribe-Nicko, I believe his name was-to send a message to the castle." I nodded yes. "You may leave, thank you very much for your information." I did one of those eyes-closed smiles and put my hand up in that 'No big deal' notion. I left the castle and returned home.
#21484685Monday, February 22, 2010 2:01 AM GMT

(Thanks. I'll get you in soon, I wrote that before you guys posted.)
#21496922Monday, February 22, 2010 12:19 PM GMT

Eepic sauce.

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