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#214770121Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:01 PM GMT

The times of the overtaken is an Eeveelutions clan, with no other Pokémon (You can find them, but it is extremely rare to find one.). It all started when everyone found out Legendaries didn't exist. Everyone began to question everything about themselves which led to confusion, which led to departing upon different beliefs all over again. Everyone began fighting nd no matter who tells the story, the outcome is always the same. The Eevees had come out on top. But again, there was even separation amongst them. None of the Eevees knew which Eeveelution was the right one, since they were all tired of being different. They had no idea if: Sun-powered, Smart Esepon Moon-powered, Tough Umbreon Reltationship-based, Slow Sylveon Large-grouped, Hot-headed Flareon Small-packed, Calm Glaceon Outgoing, Fast Jolteon Undersea, Hidden Vaporeon or Mountain-dwelling, Exposed Leafeon was the correct way to go so they fought among themselves and eventually came to a conclusion there would be 8 clans for each type. Now, the only answer you will be given without work is that your life is up to you. The hard question s, however... Who are you? DO NOT ROLEPLAY HERE, JUST POST INFO. I WILL MESSAGEYOU IF YOU WERE ACCEPTED OR NEED ANY CHANGES. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------- Name: Gender: Eeveelution: Shiny or Plain: Loner or Grouped: Backstory(optional): Parents: Other: -------------------------------------- Leaders= Espeon Lead: Umbreon Lead: Sylveon Lead: Flareon Lead: Glaceon Lead: Jolteon Lead: Vaporeon Lead: -------------------------------------- Hunters- Esp Umb Syl Fla Gla Jol Vap -------------------------------------- Outcast/Disrespected Shinies: Eev Esp Umb Syl Fla Gla Jol Vap --------------------------------------
#214774827Wednesday, April 19, 2017 11:08 PM GMT

oh cool

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