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#214771990Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:29 PM GMT

This takes place after the current saga. (In Japan). A baby by the name of Bean is found in the aftermath of a huge fight. She has blue skin and white hair, but also has Saiyan-like hair. A mysterious figure in a blue cloak lifts her from the arms of a deceased figure, the Saiyan princess Cabba, sister of Vegeta (She's in my fanfiction only). Thirteen years later, Bean is a regular teen on Earth, except for her unearthly appearance. She is teased at her school and called, "The Blueberry" and "The Farty One". But Bean has a hidden power of two incredibly powerful species, and the only person who can help her unlock this power is her father....the figure in the cloak.
#214772143Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:31 PM GMT

Bean opens her eyes to see nothing but the seared ground. She notices someone holding her. 'Mama!' she thought. But the mother wouldn't move. Bean sensed she was dead, and started to cry. A few minutes pass, and a figure in a blue cloak appears, none of their features visible.
#214772288Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:33 PM GMT

(I forgot to mention the rules! No Mary Sue characters. No ######## And no irrational story changes. And if you must interrupt the story, type it in parenthesis!)
#214772334Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:34 PM GMT

(Lovey Dovey stuff*)
#214772407Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:35 PM GMT

The figure lifts the baby out of her mother's arms, stares at the dead woman, and disappears in a flash with Bean.
#214772599Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:38 PM GMT

(Anyone willing to RP yet?)
#214773027Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:44 PM GMT

Bean woke up again. She was in the figure's arms, and could see only a slight bit of their face. It was emotionless, or maybe sad? She couldn't tell. But all she knew, was that the face was familiar....
#214775348Wednesday, April 19, 2017 11:15 PM GMT

(Someone respond! You have the right to join in!)
#214776641Wednesday, April 19, 2017 11:32 PM GMT

Thirteen years later, Bean found herself as the foster child of the mean old Lady Perla. Lady Perla constantly forced Bean to do tough farm work, due to Bean being incredibly strong. And school wasn't much better. Bean was treated poorly due to her appearance and name. She was given rude nicknames like, "The Farty One", "The Blueberry", and worst of all, "Little Old Lady", due to her white hair. But Bean wasn't offended by these insults, for she was too occupied in gym class. She was the best athlete in her entire school. But nobody knew how or why she was so incredibly strong.
#214780159Thursday, April 20, 2017 12:08 AM GMT

Bean started to grow sick of her mean guardian and her farm life. A few days later, a familiar figure was seen, kneeling over her ,other's grave. (Someone please pick up the story!)
#214780188Thursday, April 20, 2017 12:08 AM GMT

#214781666Thursday, April 20, 2017 12:22 AM GMT

The figure had the same blue cloak as the figure she remembered saving her as a baby. She knew this person was important, but how did they know her so well? "Uh....hey! This is a private area!" Bean said in a shaky voice, feeling ashamed for shouting at a gravesite. "I mean uh...did you know her?" The figure stood up slowly. The figure was tall, about six foot ten, and had a rather frightening demeanor. The person walked over to Bean, just close enough so she could see a tiny bit of their face. The same cold look was upon this familiar stranger's face. A look of apathy that wasn't entirely unpleasant...
#214781933Thursday, April 20, 2017 12:26 AM GMT

Bean stared and uttered "You again...". The figure simply nodded, clearly showing that they remembered Bean. The held one hand behind their back and the other by their side, but it was covered by a black glove to conceal it. 'This person must really want to stay unknown' thought Bean. 'I don't know if I can trust them.' But she felt she should. She felt a strange #### with the shadowy figure standing before her.
#214781962Thursday, April 20, 2017 12:27 AM GMT

#214782002Thursday, April 20, 2017 12:27 AM GMT

(Anyone gonna say something yet?)
#214782146Thursday, April 20, 2017 12:29 AM GMT

(This is an open public roleplay you know.)
#214782750Thursday, April 20, 2017 12:38 AM GMT

The figure simply stood quietly. Bean said more persistently, "You are the one who saved me from the destruction and violence." She remembered the violent fight her mother died in. "You knew her didn't you?" The figure hesitated, but simply nodded. Suddenly, the person ran off, seemingly in the blink of an eye. Bean stood, confused. "What the....Hey! Where'd you go?" No answer. She simply walked off to the farm, and pledged to never tell anyone about this figure.
#214786228Thursday, April 20, 2017 1:27 AM GMT

That night, Bean had a dream that she was back home with her real mother. She was tall, muscular, and had long, thick black hair. She also had a monkey's tail. Princess Cabba....I am a princess', thought Bean in her dream, thinking it was silly. 'My mother is Princess Cabba....' She drifted more, and saw a strange looking being, for only a second. She couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. But like her, it was blue skinned, and had white hair. This person also seemed to be wearing a formal robe. 'Father...' She thought, 'Why did that word pop into my head?' The dream changed. Everything swirled violently. The odd being was gone, and her mother was wearing battle robes. "Final flash!" Shouted her mother, as yellow energy shot from her hands. She killed a small attacking army in that one blast. Bean felt horrified. But then, a blast came towards her mother. Cabba was hit. Bean thrashed awake from the odd dream.
#214786528Thursday, April 20, 2017 1:31 AM GMT

Still shaken from the dream, Bean decided to get a glass of water from the kitchen. But she was surprised when she saw Lady Perla talking to the same mysterious figure from the graveyard. They both looked over to Bean. Lady Perla shouted, "Get back to sleep you filthy creature!" In her haggard voice. The figure put their hand up, silencing Lady Perla. "Don't speak to her like that." The figure's voice was a calm whisper, obviously a man's voice. He put his hand down. "Thank you." Lady Perla looked over to Bean with contempt.
#214786651Thursday, April 20, 2017 1:33 AM GMT

Then it ends
#214786861Thursday, April 20, 2017 1:37 AM GMT

The man looked to Bean. "Nice to see you again." Bean was nervous. "Uh...nice to see you again....uh...sir..." He looked over to the wretched Lady Perla. Lady Perla said "She's yours. Take her!" Bean didn't know what Lady Perla meant, but she didn't like the sound of it. But Bean had a strange feeling that she knew the person under the cloak. "What's going on here?" Bean asked as calmly as possible. Lady Perla simply grumbled, but then decided to say something. "This man, is very important to you....and your mother. In fact....they knew each other...you....you are their daughter."
#214786879Thursday, April 20, 2017 1:37 AM GMT

#214787057Thursday, April 20, 2017 1:39 AM GMT

Bean was shocked, but she understood why she had a connection with the cloaked person. "I....well.....I will go with you!" Bean said it as confidently as possible to the man who was her father. "I trust you." He simply nodded. Lady Perla said to him "Make sure the beast returns unharmed! I need her for harvesting this year's crops!
#214787393Thursday, April 20, 2017 1:44 AM GMT

"Very well then..." he said in a sigh. He stood up, seemingly showing off his height, and opened the door for Bean. "Thank you, um....Father!" she replied awkwardly. They walked outside for a while. Bean grew nervous. 'Is he really my father.' She kept questioning herself. A half hour passed. Her father stopped suddenly, and said "Watch this." Out of nowhere, he summoned a staff into his right hand. He tapped the bottom of it to the ground, and they where surrounded by a glowing aura.
#214787432Thursday, April 20, 2017 1:45 AM GMT


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