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#215799732Tuesday, May 02, 2017 4:42 PM GMT

MII-009: -When did you join MIII How can you help improve the company? - Why would higher level clearance benefit you and the foundation? MII-008: - What do you enjoy most about the foundation? -What science would you like to specialise in? (Answer with SEC if you are in the security team) MII-007: -What kind of science are you in?(answer with SEC if you are in security) -What are your current responsibilities within MII?(2 phrases) -How will having MII-007 clearance increase your activity in MII? Please don't skip any levels(from MII-009 to MII-007, you have to get MII-008 first!) Send the applications to a MII-000 Council+. More will be added soon. Stay tuned!
#217924972Thursday, June 01, 2017 9:12 PM GMT

MII-009: -When did you join MIII How can you help improve the company? I felt like it, I can't. - Why would higher level clearance benefit you and the foundation? It wouldn't MII-008: - What do you enjoy most about the foundation? How much i hate it. -What science would you like to specialise in? (Answer with SEC if you are in the security team) Korean Nuclear Science MII-007: -What kind of science are you in?(answer with SEC if you are in security) Prison science -What are your current responsibilities within MII?(2 phrases) Don't die, Don't join MII -How will having MII-007 clearance increase your activity in MII? It wont.
#217936290Thursday, June 01, 2017 11:49 PM GMT

MII-00SHUTUP: -Why did you post in the wrong subforum? (Answer us all, you jerk.) -What is wrong with you that makes you ignore Clubs and Groups, or Off-Topic? -How will getting out of the RP forum RIGHT NOW spare your neck? It won't.

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