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#215946834Friday, May 05, 2017 1:36 AM GMT

I want to add a dictionary table to a datastore, and then access that datastore from a localscript. How could you do this?
#215947112Friday, May 05, 2017 1:41 AM GMT

There are limitations to using Datastores like putting it into a organized matter, if you want organized use a spreadsheet and HTTPServices.
#215947193Friday, May 05, 2017 1:43 AM GMT

How would I go about doing that? Make a Google Sheets, but how would I connect it if i did that?
#215947346Friday, May 05, 2017 1:45 AM GMT

#215948266Friday, May 05, 2017 2:01 AM GMT

Just tried it, thanks. Can you only use "key" and "value" or can you change those and add further values without further edits?

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