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#216171339Monday, May 08, 2017 3:18 AM GMT

The Brothers of the Tattered Banner, The Bannerless Brothers and The Bannerless Band are just a few notable names the brotherhood of outlaws have gone by. They hold no allegiance to any king and seek to maintain their goal of protecting smallfolk of the villages across all plains of Trepheon. Although they reach out to different sides of the continent, they mainly take refuge in the western forests. The group was formed indirectly by Lewin Farlon, the ruling King of Centralia at the time when he had sent Darrick Hildreth, a knighted nobleman within the kingdom to lead a band of 100 men to hunt down and stop the attacks of a deserted knight, Kennith and his large band of soldiers who had been terrorizing villages. Darrick lead his men to the villages and defended them from multiple attacks from Kennith's forces and it was not long till Darrick and his men became liked by the local townsfolk. Although Darrick had fended off what seemed to be almost all of Kennith's men, it was this final attack that decided the final fate of Darrick's great defence. At the time, he was down to around 30 men left in his ranks, such a number proved a minuscule role as his men easily fought and defeated the small force sent to attack. The battle was quick and two of Kennith's men had escaped, causing Darrick to have his men chase after in which soon they found themselves ambushed by Kennith and the remaining forces he held They had the upper-hand, easily cutting their way through Darrick's forces, leaving very few to even escape. Darrick after facing off with Kennith, lost the battle and nearly his life but as he managed to get away he had found himself met with some villagers, after hearing his name and what he had done for the the townsfolk they took him and his men back to their village and gave them a roof overhead and food to eat. Darrick knew he owed these people his life, and having witnessed the brutality the smallfolk received from the Kennith's band, he was not going to allow another to spring up from the dirt and swore that he would defend the townsfolk if they were to come. He did not return to Centralia and was presumed dead after the 100 men who were sent out had never returned. If Darrick was going to defend the smallfolk he needed to rebuild and he did just that, recruiting masons, swineherds and anything that would stand up and wield a sword to defend their lands. As Darrick rebuilt his forces from the ground, a name for his band was built too; The Brothers of the Tattered Banner. They became a brotherhood and dropped all banners, swearing to defend the lives of the smallfolk and to fight against those who prey on the weak. As of the current time, their numbers are severely diminished compared to the original 100 of Darrick's forces and now have only around 25 so men in their ranks, consisting of hedge knights, deserted soldiers and smallfolk alike with the intention of defending their homes. The Brothers of the Tattered Banner see eachother as equals, they share food, they share drinks and they share stories. Although all men under their bannerless group are equal, some notable and respected members of the group are Darrick Hildreth and Uthred. Darrick acts as leader for their brotherhood as he was the one who lead the men to begin with and Uthred, a priest from Nerius who came across Darrick and his brotherhood and told them about the lord Firbra, the great spirit of fire. He told Darrick about the great plans that Firbra has for all os his 'vessels' and the stories and miracles that the great lord has preformed. Darric and his brothers, who held no allegiances to anyone were sceptic on trusting something they had not even seen for themselves. Uthred insisted that he would prove himself and his lord's existence and asked to join to the brotherhood. Darrick, allowed for such a thing and Uthred became one of them.

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