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#216589753Sunday, May 14, 2017 5:32 AM GMT

-Spam/Scam accounts: I have a way to try to stop spam accounts. If they can play a game for more than 20 minutes, and their account is older than a week or something, then they can post. Because, if a new player wants to post, all he/she needs to do is play for 20 minutes on any game, and be older than a week. I chose 20 minutes to play a game because if they wanted to do it in big bunches, they need lots of different computers, and if they are set up to stand there, they will get kicked after 20 minutes. After this, players can chat and post without being drowned in spam! -Chat: Maybe you could have a button in the settings for verified accounts to toggle on/off censoring. So, curse words are at their own risk but accounts with this off, will just receive hashtags. My account is 13+ but I can still hardly communicate with my friends. -Clickbait: Nowadays there is so many games on the front page which are clickbaited with tags, pictures and generally a misleading name. People are making crappy games with almost no re#############etween the promised requirements and the actual game. A few examples may be: https://www.roblox.com/games/786057337 https://www.roblox.com/games/399059252 https://www.roblox.com/games/792579459 Their titles and pictures change all the time, but nothing inside the game does. Anything with a lot of visits and a like/dislike ratio of 2:3 or worse should have their world checked as something is bad about it, but people still play. This will save you lots of money because you will find that these people will often trade their robux revenue, into real money. If it is a bad world, delete it. If the owner republishes it, delete the owner. If the owner makes a new account, delete his/her email. If the owner makes a new email/none at all, IP ban him/her. If you can't do that, at least make the rating more visible. It really annoys me how they put hardly any work in, and get money. And others put days of effort in, and don't even get recognised! -Robux: You can't get robux without paying. It costs so much and you can't keep buying it. I know you can make worlds, have link revenue and make profits from Limited Items, but what if someone doesn't have BC, or make good worlds, or get people to click a link. So, a daily log in reward of a small amount of robux would be a great idea to encourage more play time and show the people without robux, what it is like to have some, therefore getting them to buy more as they know if it is worth it or not (Which it is!). Goodbye, Good luck and have a Good day! 🍀 -0opsieD0opsie2
#216589947Sunday, May 14, 2017 5:36 AM GMT

Someone who actually did what the forums say..
#216589971Sunday, May 14, 2017 5:37 AM GMT

Comment on the RIGHT FORUM!!
#216590845Sunday, May 14, 2017 5:55 AM GMT

First poster too...
#216594935Sunday, May 14, 2017 8:19 AM GMT

they cant delete his email + strongest ban is poison ban and ip ban is usless if you have resetable router or VPN
#216615713Sunday, May 14, 2017 5:17 PM GMT

Okay, thank you for the extra information. I will try to think of another solution. :)
#216615808Sunday, May 14, 2017 5:19 PM GMT

I'm sorry. I am not sure what you mean. :( I have never used the forums before and thought I could make Roblox a better, safer and more fun place. Please explain what you mean...

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