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#216973147Saturday, May 20, 2017 8:01 PM GMT

Scare Crow- I'll show you how to get apples Hooray! I guess that did it! Help yourself. Dorothy- Why, it's a man! A man made out of tin! Scarecrow- What? Dorothy- Yes, Oh - look! Tin Man- Oil can! Oil can! Dorothy- Did you say something? Tin Man- Oil can! Dorothy- He said Oil can. Scarecrow- Oil can what? Dorothy- Oil can? Oh! Tin Man- Ahhh! Dorothy- Here it is! Where do you want oiled first? Tin Man- My mouth - my mouth!. Scarecrow- He said his mouth! The other side! Dorothy- Yes - there. Tin Man- Me - e, me - e-, My- mmm-my, my, my, my goodness. I can talk again! Oh - oil my arms, please - oil my elbows. Oh! Oh! Dorothy- Here. Tin Man- Oh! Oh! Dorothy- Did that hurt? Tin Man- No, it feels wonderful. I've held that axe up for ages. Oh! Dorothy- Oh, goodness! How did you ever get like this? Tin Man- Oh - well, about a year ago, I was chopping that tree when suddenly it began to rain. Dorothy- Oh..
#216978502Saturday, May 20, 2017 9:18 PM GMT

Scarecrow- Animals that - that eat straw? Tin Man- A - some - but mostly lions and tigers and bears. Dorothy- Lions! Scarecrow- And tigers! Tin Man- And bears! Dorothy- Oh! Lions, and tigers and bears! Oh, - my - Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man- Lions and tigers and bears! Dorothy- Oh My! Scarecrow!- Oh, look! Dorothy- Oh! Lion- Hah! Put 'em up! Put 'em - up! Which one of you first? I'll fight you both together, if you want. I'll fight ya' with one paw tied behind my back! I'll fight ya' standin' on one foot! I'll fight ya' with my eyes closed. Oh, pullin' an axe on me, eh? Sneakin' up on me, eh? Why! Tin Man- Here - here. Go away and let us alone. Lion- Oh, scared, huh? Afraid, huh? Hah! How long can you stay fresh in that can? Come on, get up and fight, you shivering junk yard! Put your hands up, you lop-sided bag of hay! Scarecrow- Now that's getting personal, Lion. Tin Man- Yes, get up and teach him a lesson. Scarecrow- Well, what's wrong with you teachin' him? Tin Man- A - well - well, I hardly know him. Lion- Well, I'll get you anyway, Pee Wee. Dorothy- Oh! Shame on you!(Smacks Lion's Nose) Lion- What did you do that for? I didn't bite him. Dorothy- No, but you tried to. It's bad enough picking on a straw man, but when you go around picking on poor little dogs. Lion- Well, you didn't have to go and hit me, did you? Is my nose bleedin'? Dorothy- Well, of course not. My goodness, what a fuss you're making! Well, naturally when you go around picking on things weaker than you are - why, you're nothing but a great big idiot! Lion You're right, I am an idiot! I haven't any courage at all. I even scare myself. Look at the circles under my eyes. I haven't slept in weeks. Tin Man- Why don't you try counting sheep? Lion- That doesn't do any good - I'm afraid of 'em. Scarecrow- Oh, that's too bad. Don't you think the Wizard could help him, too? Dorothy- I don't see why not. Why don't you come along with us? We're on our way to see the Wizard now. To get him a heart. Tin Man- And him a brain. Dorothy- I'm sure he could give you some courage. Lion- Well, wouldn't you feel degraded to be seen in the company of a cowardly lion? I would. Dorothy- No, of course not! Lion- Gee, that - that's awfully nice of you. My life has been simply unbearable. Dorothy- Oh, well, it's all right now. The Wizard will fix everything. Lion- It - it's been in me so long I just gotta tell you how I feel.. (AUDITIONS FOR LION)
#216979297Saturday, May 20, 2017 9:30 PM GMT

(Wicked Witch walks on) Wicked Witch- A-hah! So, you won't take warning, eh? All the worse for you, then! I'll take care of you now instead of later!  Hah! When I gain those ruby slippers, my power will be the greatest in Oz! And now, my beauties! Something with poison in it, I think. With poison in it, but attractive to the eye and soothing to the smell! Poppies! Poppies! Poppies will put them to sleep. Sleep - now they'll sleep. (Walks off) Dorothy- There's Emerald City! Oh, we're almost there at last! At last! It's beautiful, isn't it? Just like I knew it would be. He really must be a wonderful Wizard to live in a city like that! Lion- Well, come on, then. What are we waiting for? Scarecrow- Nothing! Let's run! Dorothy- Yes, let's run! Scarecrow- Come on - come on! Tin Man- Hurry! Hurry! Scarecrow- Oh, look! Come on! Tin Man- It's wonderful! The Emerald City! Dorothy- Oh - oh - what's happening? What is it? I can't run any more. I'm so sleepy. Scarecrow- Here, give us your hands and we'll pull you along. Dorothy- Oh no, please. I have to rest for just a minute. Toto...where's Toto? (Looks for Toto but falls asleep Scarecrow- Oh, you can't rest now. We're nearly there. Don't cry - you'll rust yourself again! Lion- Come to think of it, forty winks wouldn't be bad. Scarecrow- Don't you start it, too! Tin Man- No! We ought to try and carry Dorothy. Scarecrow- I don't think I could, but we could try. Tin Man- Let's Scarecrow- Yes. Tin Man- Oh - now look at him! This is terrible! Scarecrow- Here, Tin Man - help me. Tin Man- Oh! Scarecrow- Uh. Oh, this is terrible! I can't budge her an inch! This is a spell, this is! Tin Man- It's the Wicked Witch! What'll we do? HELP! HELP! Scarecrow- It's no use screaming at a time like this. Nobody will hear you! HELP! HELP! HELP! Help! It's snowing! No, it isn't! Yes, it is! Oh, maybe that'll help! Oh, but it couldn't help! It does help! Dorothy, you're waking up! Dorothy- Oh, Oh. Lion- Ah - ah. Unusual weather we're having, ain't it? Dorothy- Look, he's rusted again! Oh, give me the oil can, quick! Oh! Scarecrow- Here! Oil him. Dorothy- Oh. Lion- He is rusted. Dorothy- Here it is. Oil him! Lion- Oil him! Dorothy- Quick....! Wicked Witch- Oh, Curses! Curses! Somebody always helps that girl! But shoes or no shoes, I'm still great enough to conquer her. And woe to those who try to stop me! Dorothy- Come on, let's get out of here. Look - Emerald City is closer and prettier than ever! (AUDITION FOR WICKED WITCH)
#216980670Saturday, May 20, 2017 9:50 PM GMT

Wizard- Come forward! Lion- Tell me when it's over! Oh, look at that! Look at that! Oh - oohhh - hhhh! I want to go home! Wizard- I am Oz, the Great and Powerful! Who are you?(Points to Lion) Who are you?(Points to Dorothy) Dorothy- I - If you please, I - I am Dorothy - the small and meek. We've come to ask you - Wizard- Silence! Dorothy- Oh! Ohhh - Jiminy Crickets! Wizard- The Great an Powerful Oz knows why you have come. Step forward, Tin Man! Tin Man- Ohhhhh! Wizard- You dare to come to me for a heart, do you? You clinking, clanking, clattering collection of caliginous junk! Tin Man- Ohh--yes - yes, sir - Y-Yes, Your Honor. You see, a while back, we were walking down the Yellow Brick Road, and - Wizard- Quiet! Tin Man- Ohhhhh! Wizard- And you, Scarecrow, have the guts to ask for a brain - you billowing bale of bovine fodder! Scarecrow- Y-Yes - Yes, Your Honor - I mean, Your Excellency - I - I mean - Your Wizardry! Wizard- Enough! Uhh - and you - Lion!! Well? Dorothy- Oh - oh - oh! You ought to be ashamed of yourself - frightening him like that, when he came to you for help! Wizard- Silence! Whippersnapper! The great Oz has every intention of granting your requests! Lion- What's that? What'd he say? Dorothy- Oh, come one. Lion- Huh? What'd he say - Wizard- But first, you must prove yourselves worthy by performing a very small task. Bring me the broomstick of the Witch of the West. Tin Man- B-B-But if we do that, we'll have to kill her to get it! Wizard- Bring me her broomstick and I'll grant your requests....Now go! Lion- But - but what if she kills us first? Wizard- I said - GO!! Lion- Ohhhhh!!
#216981250Saturday, May 20, 2017 9:58 PM GMT

#216981396Saturday, May 20, 2017 10:00 PM GMT

First one is audition for tin can
#216981518Saturday, May 20, 2017 10:02 PM GMT

can i be toto
#216982144Saturday, May 20, 2017 10:13 PM GMT

I already got a part wich was scare crow
#216984150Saturday, May 20, 2017 10:47 PM GMT

Can you PLEASE take this to Clans and Guilds, because it goes there. Or else reports will be thrown out.
#216990777Sunday, May 21, 2017 12:43 AM GMT

Sorry didn't know, I asked a girl where do I put it and she didn't know so I put it here.
#217170313Tuesday, May 23, 2017 9:16 PM GMT

Spots taken: Lion, Dorothy, Wicked witch, Aunt Em, Uncle Henry, Scare Crow, Tito. Spots not taken: Tin can, Oz, Ms.Clay, Zeke, Hickory and more.
#217176018Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:46 PM GMT

Can. I play tin man
#217182560Wednesday, May 24, 2017 12:27 AM GMT

May I be Oz?
#217204074Wednesday, May 24, 2017 11:09 AM GMT

May I be the Oz?!
#217212359Wednesday, May 24, 2017 3:39 PM GMT

I got the part Ms.Clay and I don't know who that is.
#217224721Wednesday, May 24, 2017 8:23 PM GMT

Then go to Wikipedia.

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