#21951646Wednesday, March 03, 2010 11:14 PM GMT

Day 2 Two newly-allianced foreigners won 2 of the 10 golden masks. James was especially honoured after this. He set plans for a special gift to the new ally. A signifigant treaty paper, with his signiture, and a special access to the party. The two young men he had met with were included, as well the ruler and his closest friend. Meanwhile, the other 8 masks were won in fighting contests, which, fortunately, no one died at. James found this warming, his best friend had died from a major concusion a cheater had laid on him with metal gloves. This man was sentanced to jail for life. Meanwhile, James heard word of Prussia, and a press conference was held, stating that Zezzekt would stand by Prussians, and help them in any way they could. Golden Masks 20/70
#21952310Wednesday, March 03, 2010 11:25 PM GMT

the branchians create the BTF(Branchian Task Force),16 members sign up
#21952649Wednesday, March 03, 2010 11:31 PM GMT

The X-2 Deep Space rocket has finally been finished and launched, it will orbit the Moon for three weeks(posts) and then it will reenter earth. In other news, The new HydroElectric Power Plant was finished and is now sending power within the radius of all Atlantis.
#21952745Wednesday, March 03, 2010 11:33 PM GMT

we recruit more special forces units(23 more now) and we create several helicopters(resembeling black hawks)
#21952966Wednesday, March 03, 2010 11:36 PM GMT

Atlantis Projects: X-2 Deep Space Rocket(7 Posts) Completed Atlantean Space Station(12 Posts) Hydroelectric Power Plant(5 Posts) Completed International Harbor(10 Posts) Great God Statues(4 Posts) Completed Four Huge Statues stand at each gate entering Atlantis, these Statues represent the great Atlantean Gods. Neptulon the Tidehunter, Therazane the Stonemother, Al' Akir the Windlord, and Ragnaros the Firelord.
#21953225Wednesday, March 03, 2010 11:40 PM GMT

Prussian weaponologists arrive at the scenes of the attacks studying the weapons used. They found out what the terrorists had used and traced it back to the Akmed Empire. The Prussian Kaiser sent special forces in to map out the terrain, strategic resources, and the enemy equipment. Allowing the Kaiser to make an informed decision on whether or not to invade. Meanwhile Duesckday is still going on... for special reasons the Kaiser had declared that it will last for another week as, "under the current circumstances the people need more national pride" Iron Crosses awarded:1/8
#21953681Wednesday, March 03, 2010 11:47 PM GMT

Atlantean Weaponsmiths and Blacksmiths have started to make new Weapons. (All of origin from the Modern US weapons) These weapons will only be used during time of war, when protecting Countries Territory, or When saving stranded people or Helping allies.
#21954422Wednesday, March 03, 2010 11:59 PM GMT

we branchians also started making new weapons(scars/ak-47's/M4A1's) the first,we call it,The S-C-A-R rifle,we begine producing them in vast numbers,we expand are terratory to 4 more cities
#21954667Thursday, March 04, 2010 12:04 AM GMT

Tyler, Jack, Menderis Sirem, and His Wife walked through the streets of Zezzekt, looking at the beautiful sights of Carnivela. "This is Quite amazing." Menderis said with a Smile. Tyler and Jack looked at him and nodded. "I agree Dear." His Wife said.
#21956959Thursday, March 04, 2010 12:39 AM GMT

Zezzekt has completed their Weapons & Chemical Lab!! Weapons produced: Assault Rifles: 50,000 Submachine Guns: 75,000 Sniper Rifles: 3,500 Handguns: 5,500 Tear Gas Grenades: 10,000 Flash Grenades: 10,000 Frags: 20,000 C4: 5,000 Zezzekt celebrated by sending 2000 of their top notched Assault Rifles, SMGs, and Handguns to Prussia and Atlantis.
#21957249Thursday, March 04, 2010 12:44 AM GMT

Atlantis has finally completed their Weapons Lab thanks to the supplies given to Atlantis from Zezzekt Weapons Produced: Assault Rifles: 20,000 Submachine Guns: 50,000 Sniper Rifles: 2,350 HandGuns: 3,000 FlashBang Grenades: 13,000 Frag Grenades: 21,000 C4/Claymores: 10,000 Atlantis sends a Thank you Gift to Zezzekt by sending them Free Entry into their Underwater City Metru Nui to do better and more Advanced research on underwater Projects. The gift is to also thank the new Alliance and to Help Zezzektian Marine Biologists progress more in their career.
#21959083Thursday, March 04, 2010 1:11 AM GMT

The Berlin Sky has additional modules added to it. (One CAN be added every 10 posts and will remove one post from the field of research it's designed to study. Module can also be for the military. ) To help with funding Prussia is permitting it's allies to use it. They do however restrict access of labs to only the astronomical and engineering ones onboard. (I.e. space research and vehicular research)
#21960610Thursday, March 04, 2010 1:36 AM GMT

Atlantis Congress men agreed on Changing the City Mahri Nui's name to Metru Nui and Metru Nui's name to Mahri Nui, Since Mahri Nui is old Atlantean Language for "Spirits of the Ocean" In other News, Atlantean Divers have found new areas around them. One is Fields of Airweed. AirWeed is a special type of Seaweed that provides oxygen to the City Mahri Nui so Citizens can live in it. The next is The Cord, this is a Narrow Stone Tunnel that leads into Metru Nui so you can enter Mahri Nui from Metru Nui instead of Shuttle and enter Metru Nui from Mahri Nui instead of Shuttle. The next is the Council Chamber that has been added onto the City of Mahri Nui so Council Members can hold meetings. The last is The Pillars of Salt, Mountains that formed over the centuries from salt deposits in the water. This area was a preferred hunting ground of Takea sharks, and it is also great for Merchants to collect salt, Purify it and sell it on the Market.
#21964204Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:35 AM GMT

Zezzekt had been given help by Mahri Nui in their marine studies and researches. Zezzekt started an underwater city, which would be used to design top secret weapons, underwater vehicles, and armour. Meanwhile, Day 3 5 Altanteans had won Golden Masks, meaning 7 will be going. The other five were random drawings. Day 3 was a big feast and fireworks day. Golden Masks: 30/70 4 more days!! Zezzekt had sent letters to nearby allies to join them in Carnivela. Zezzekt also sent a prototype module for a 5 foot armour piercing acid gun, which sprays an acidic beam and melts through medium-strengthed armour, to Prussia. The letter said, "Dear Prussians, This weapon I have included in the package is a MC-Prototype A-Module. With this gun, it is used in close-quarters against medium-plated armour. I will later send 75m (tank) shells with the same acidic effect. I do hope you are victorious in war, and have few, if no, casualties. Much support, James Sanderson"
#21964805Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:45 AM GMT

Atlantis has finally finished their Space Station. They will launch it in one week and then send up the crew who will work the station, over time, the Space Division will send up new parts/rooms to the station via shuttle and the astronauts will hook them up to the station
#21965208Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:53 AM GMT

X-2 Deep Space Rocket(7 Posts) Completed Atlantean Space Station(12 Posts) Completed Hydroelectric Power Plant(5 Posts) Completed International Harbor(10 Posts) Completed Great God Statues(4 Posts) Completed Atlantis has finished their new add on to their country, the Internation Harbor is complete, now more people from other countries will dock at the harbor and trade with Atlanteans and others alike. Atlantis has Successfully sent up their Space Station and Crew, now, Atlantis can use their technology to track natural disasters, track enemies, and send signals/messages to other countries/civilizations.
#21967541Thursday, March 04, 2010 3:43 AM GMT

Feeling it was safe, the Prussian kaiser himself decided to take part in Carnivela. He figured this could be used well as a political action and boarded his plane. His plane, like any plane belonging to a king, was covered in exquisite items from Prussia's past. Even it's exterior had the flag of Prussia on it. No doubt this was a flying museum. The Kaiser had, as a note of good faith, sent a letter ahead telling of his participation in Carnivela. Here's a pic of the Prussian flag: (it's a little squished though because of the way decals are set up)
#21978954Thursday, March 04, 2010 7:05 PM GMT

The prototype multi purpose mech mentioned will take 4 posts to be fully within acceptable combat testing standards. The scouting party has reported over radio that they have apparently seen sightings of a city in the ocean,and will continue to monitor any sightings(that is atlantis,I am assuming you are under the ocean).There was also apparently a passing plane with a flag on it (thats the prussian plane.). A prototype laser pistol,much like the laser rifle except weaker,and is used as a sidearm.It will be within operational firing testing capacity in 2 posts. The first permenant mech building factory is being built and will be done in 3 posts.It will produce our Operational prototype mechs for combat purposes for the time being.The prototype has been deemed Fully functional after extensive operational tests,and so a single mech will be built every 4 posts.This production speed will stay the same throughout this thread as our manufactory capacity keeps pace with fairly fast developing mech battle capacity.It is predicted that our mechs will become a symbol of power to us and a symbol of fear and ferocity to all nations,and that they will become a very dangerous weapon to all who may war against us.
#21982839Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:04 PM GMT

#21983191Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:11 PM GMT

branch builds the swartscoff 3 tank. it is now offically being mass produced
#21986176Thursday, March 04, 2010 10:06 PM GMT

Atlantis has discovered a new species, They named this species the Takea Shark, Ancestors of the Great White Shark, its bigger by a few yards and much, much more deadlier, fast swimmers, bloody skin, and can blend in with the ocean water.
#21987046Thursday, March 04, 2010 10:20 PM GMT

(New Mech idea: There are three classes for mechs. They are the Assault Class, Repair Class and Exo-Class.) Assault: These can have up to 3 machine guns, 2 lasers, or 1 rockets. It fully conceals the body and is big. The user can escape from the mech using a pod if needed. Takes 5 posts to build. Repair: These have 1 machine gun or 1 laser, and 1 repairing laser. It fully conceals the body, but is small. Takes 3 posts to make. Exo: These have one machine gun, but has a jetpack. It is a small exoskeleton-like mech. Parts of the mech are open, making parts of the body able to be hurt. Takes 2 posts to build.
#21988683Thursday, March 04, 2010 10:47 PM GMT

Day 4 The Kaiser would be attending the festival! The other 9 were won in eating contests, and this day was very hectic. There were many vendors, sellers, and even a man doing deadly stunts. Friends of Zezzekt brought exotic animals and plants, along with a few weapons to show off. One, of course, was the new Module that Zezzekt had made.
#21988771Thursday, March 04, 2010 10:49 PM GMT

Atlantis starts to build new Mechs, Assault Class, Repair Class and Exo-Class, They will be used for underwater combat or underwater rescue missions. Assault will be used for Infantry, Repair will be used for Engineers and Exo will be used for AirForce pilots or stealth soldiers.
#21994463Friday, March 05, 2010 12:20 AM GMT

(ok well the mechs I've been making are assault so change it from 5 per post to 1 per 5 posts)