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#217313175Friday, May 26, 2017 5:51 AM GMT

Hello everybody , I am lemon , I am here to tell you the lore of the game that I created known as 'The Fallout' this game is heavily inspired off the popular roblox franchise called 'After The Flash' anyway , here is the lore. Russia and china formed an alliance known as the I A M F which stood for Imperial Asian Military Force. America had left NATO , causing NATO to weaken a lot. Because of America leaving , NATO later collapsed and the I A M F to full advantage of this. Russia ended up sending troops in Las Vegas , the Russian troops killed dozens of civilians. Later on in a meeting , American high ranking officials discussed whether going to war with Russia and China would be a good idea. America declared war on Russia and China. After a long stand off , Russia made it's move , Chinese and Russian troops invaded America , civilians ended up moving to either Mexico or Canada. The amount of refugees overwhelmed Canada and Mexico , forcing them to force civilians back into war torn America. Riots ended up happening in Mexico and Canada for their actions. The amount of troops Russia and China deployed overwhelmed the American troops , they couldn't hold them off for a day as they were pushed back to their last piece of territory near Mexico. However , during a bombing run , a Russian bomber dropped a bomb onto a Nuclear Power Plant , causing it to explode. The whole entire area was devastated and the part of America that was affected went into Nuclear Fallout. The American President was powerless , food and water was short , only pockets of water remain in the open. I A M F grew even more though , taking over countries in Europe such as : Germany , France , Poland and Italy... The I A M F grew even more later on , with other Asian countries joining such as : India , Turkey , North Korea , Iran and Mongolia. America became a weak country and Russia ended up being the biggest superpower. Only a small portion of America was considered American land , while the rest was considered Russian territory. Factions : United states armed forces (U s a f) : Often seen as a weak military force , the U s a f had fallen and barely had any troops . The U s a f have no forts and have no respect from the american citizens. However , Canada plans on rebuilding the United states and plans on helping the United states by supplying them with weapons , food and water. Imperial Asian Military Force (I A M F ) : The I A M F was responsible for the whole conflict and are seen as monsters and Communists. This faction is hated by almost the entire remaining population of America. Much of the I A M F's propaganda has something to do with destroying America. The I A M F are currently the biggest military force in 'The Fallout' right now , also being the strongest. Russia planned on making Japan join, however , Japan declined and so I A M F troops over ran Japan quickly and FORCED Japan to join the I A M F. The North Atlantic : NATO collapsed ever since the United states left , and only a few NATO members survived the I A M F's NATO Attack. The I A M F managed to conquer a lot of the countries that were in NATO and were later considered to be part of Asia. Canadian Armed Forces ( C A F ) : Not much is known about this faction , other than the fact that they supported America during the I A M F attack. Mexican Armed Forces ( M A F ) : The M A F were seen as cowards by the Americans because of how they didn't do anything during America's time of need. American civilians would riot against them and burn Mexican Flags. The Green Berets ( T G B ) : The Green Berets were an American special forces group[ and assisted America during the I A M F's attack. The Green Berets are seen as Heroes and gods. American citizens often worship them. Only the toughest American troops were allowed to be a Green Beret soldier.

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