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#217385082Saturday, May 27, 2017 4:27 AM GMT

First Off Hi! Second off - GET YOUR OWN CORNER! This is where I'm gonna put all of my thoughts about Game Creation and Development...The Good, the bad, and the ugly. No one has to agree or disagree..but be respectful and keep it fun if you're gonna comment. 3rd Off... I stilll don't know what I'm doing. lawl Trial and Error, reading, and asking questions, but feeling like this is gonna take forever. It seems I can't just focus on being a good builder because I have to learn Lua! Arg! Why can't I just borrow scripts and give credit? Not that I don't wanna learn Lua but there's only so much balance in the universe if you know what I mean. -- to be continued... 4th Off...What's with this no useng free models attitude floating around the community? Seems to me that aside from the potential for misleading items in the archive, the toolbox is a great place to start until one develops skills that can replace all free models in the project..Also makes it easier for devs who make models to replace..but I dunno..Still haven't gotten a good answer on this one. 5th Off...A storyboard goes a long way in game design..Things like pictures help tremendously, and examples because not everyone has played all the same games..When it's suggested that a game is going to be like "xyz"...Some won't understand...IJS... - Jet - GOAG Alien Developer... Shoutout to my teams!
#218310146Wednesday, June 07, 2017 4:44 AM GMT

Build Tip and good practice for Rookies:: 1) Label your parts as you go - Makes things easier for you and anyone working with you in the future to recognize, helps script writers target elements that need to be scripted , and also reduces clutter. 2) Hide things in Replicated Storage and/or Lighting 3) Build inside of Folders - Folders allow you to move and rotate an entire group of parts within like models but you can still select any part or multiple parts inside a folder freely unlike Models. 4) Group your parts when you're done building your thing in a folder. Alt + Click to select a part inside of a model. - Jet - GOAG Alien Developer
#222865563Tuesday, August 01, 2017 12:39 AM GMT

You know what... I have a wish list... 1. I wish I could color group parts in the explorer window in studio. 2. I wish for another storage folder that hides what's not in the workspace because I use replicated/server storage and lighting to hide things but also for relevant game content and it's easy to get lost after a while. 3. I wish for some kind of auto collapse..Moving files around the explorer is sometimes a cumbersome task as projects grow, hate when every single model/folder is opened and I have to click and click and click and and and and and and.... GOAG - Alien Developer

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