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#21739238Saturday, February 27, 2010 6:49 PM GMT

~First part of a series of a special form of nation threads.~ Life has begun. As you rise up from the waves of the ocean, you see others doing as you do. You can breathe the air--And you feel that all future will be 'Here'. Basically, you make a tribe and rule it in this part. Once you have researched enough technologies, or conquered enough enemies, you can advance to the Classical stage. But this isn't a normal nation thread. In this one, you have to control the nations--AND roleplay as it's leader. At the same time. give you a little mini-history of your country, eh? Rules: Normal roleplay rules. No instant knowledge. No disrupting of the roleplay dramatically. Not in the sense of ubering, but in the sense of having a huge argument in the asides. If you're going to have an argument, have your characters have it. There is only one moderator on this threat at the moment, me. If you wish to be a moderator, ask, and I'll say yes or no. If I say no, I MEAN NO. No exceptions. Character sheets: Country: Country name: Country type: (Warlike, economic, etc.) Country government: Country leader: Country pros: Country cons: Leader: Name: Age: Leader of: Appearance: Race: Bio: (The tribal bio doesen't have to be so long.) Race: Name: Appearance: Area commonly found in: (Marsh, desert, etc.) Mainly populates what country?:

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