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#217741310Tuesday, May 30, 2017 3:27 PM GMT

Certain events could award small amounts of RB in place of hats. In a perfect world where everything fit my next context you may be asking, "What, why would I possibly support this?" To what I would respond with the following. O It would be a great alternative for the removal of Tix. O Not everyone wants a badly made hat. O It would draw more attention to the event. Now, you may be thinking... "Wait.... all events?" Of course not, you have cotton in your ears Jimmy? I said certain events. Such as Halloween and Christmas, rather then ad events. Knowing this your next question, or perhaps a previous question of yours that had been yet to be answered would most likely be "waiiit!!! wut about da econimu!" Well little Jimmy, I'm happy to tell you the amount of RB awarded would be dependent on the difficulty of the badge. Now, you may still hold a grudge to this idea, well Jimmy I have an alternative just for you! Instead of having badges award RB, we finally gave player points a use! That's right the higher you score on the leaderboard the more RB you gain!
#217741482Tuesday, May 30, 2017 3:32 PM GMT

Leader board idea is unfair. No support Color splash!
#217742695Tuesday, May 30, 2017 3:52 PM GMT

I agree to that but Leaderboard idea can get a bit too much, i guess? Anyways, you got my vote.

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