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#217809431Wednesday, May 31, 2017 9:25 AM GMT

Draft, Am I good enough? Scene 1, Setting : -Homeless man, sitting at bus stop (asleep) - ----> -Smart/Rich guy walks to him- (From left side of stage) Rich guy : "Excuse me, are you ok?" -Wakes up, with a bit of a shock - Homeless - Doesn't say anything, but stares away. Rich Guy : "Right, then." Rich Guy : "Sorry, -cough- it's left... See what I did there?" Homeless Guy - Stares away still. Rich Guy - Walks away to the right side of the stage. Scene 2, Setting : Same place, and it's the early morning. Narrator : "It was an early morning, almost identical from yesterday..." -Homeless Guy Still on seat, this time not sleeping - -Rich Guy Walks past, once again- Rich Guy : "Hey? What's up?" Homeless : "Y-Y-Y....Yo?" Rich Guy : "Cold?" Homeless : "Only slightly..." Rich Guy : - Hands hot chocolate - Homeless : "Why are you helping? You're rich... And I'm poor.. We shouldn't be talking to each other..." Rich Guy : "Eh? Anyway I got to get to work." -Rich Guy Walks Off Stage To the Right- -Homeless guy remains seated on bench/busstop. Scene 3, Setting : Basically the same as scene 2, he's still on the seat... Not -------rich Guy walks past. Rich Guy : Stops On the Pavement, while walking past. Stares at the homeless guy. Homeless : "C-c-c-c-an I help you?" Rich Guy : "Sorry - Here take my jacket. Rich Guy: "It's from my workplace, Galxe.. It's clean, keep it." Narrator : "It has been almost 3 days, of the 'Homeless Guy' at the bus stop - No food... Nothing' Rich Guy : "Do you want me to get anything from the nearby shop on the way back from work?" Homeless : "Wh-What do you do at, gzlxe?" Rich Guy : "Ha, Galxe you mean. So, I'm a Director there." Homeless : "I used to be happy, ya'know..." Homeless : "Family, job, wealthy...." Homeless : "Until that happened.." Rich Guy : "I really got to get to work, bud. You know what? I'll try to get a-" -Phone Rings - Rich Guy : "Sorry, that's my Manager - Please, I need to get to my work." Homeless : "You'll try to get a?...." -Rich Guy Walks off to the right- Scene 4, Setting : Behind the Curtain, Rich Guy is the director. -He stands in the Mic Spotlight Area- Rich Guy "All right! All right! I'm late so get everything set up!" Rich Guy "We need main stage lights on, echo effect of music." -5 Seconds Later- Rich Guy "C'mon! Come on! We need it done!" -All Lights Fade out, curtain closed- Scene 5, -On his way back to work, homeless guy is at bus stop, not sleeping. - Sun is going down Rich Guy Comes on from the right side. Homeless Guy : "Sir... Sir.... Over here?" Rich Guy stops, looks around - then notices him, goes towards him. Homeless Guy : "You said you would give - I mean do- I mean, you said something to me.... and I've been thinking about it all day" Rich Guy : "Er... Can't be important if you've already forgot, right?" Homeless Guy : "No, no! Please don't go...I know what you said!" Homeless Guy : "You said, 'I'll try to get a - then you went off" Rich Guy : "Oh that, ah yes.. So I was speaking to my manager - Homeless GUy : "Why did you stop? Keep going, Iwant to hear..." Rich Guy : "Sorry, but I'm Nick, what's your name?" Homeless Guy : "My name is, Ni######### # Ri####uy : "Wow, well nice to meet you." Rich Guy : "Oh yes, sorry. I meant to say..." Rich Guy : "I spoke to my manager, I asked if there were any jobs available." Homeless Guy : "For me?" Rich Guy : "Hold on, he said yes. Apparently, most jobs are available." Homeless Guy : "B-but I'm not experienced? How would I know how to do anything." Rich Guy : "They'll train you. I'll rent you a hotel, to sleep in, get washed." Homeless Guy : "What.... Really?" Scene 6, -Setting : Behind Curtains, he's now an actor- Curtains Open Homeless Guy Walks out from the left side (behind curtain stage). Homeless Guy : "Excuse me? Are you ok? All lights fade out. Curtains Closed. (ROUGH COPY) GalaxyRBLX, Owner Of Galxe

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