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#218271087Tuesday, June 06, 2017 7:04 PM GMT

1. FRP isn't tolerated. - Self explanatory really. 2. Don't RA. (Random Attack) - Also self explanatory. 3. Powerplay - You can't use two or more actions in a sentence. 4. Fear RP - The player engaging the fear RP may kill you if you don't co-operate properly. 5. G0dmodding. - Not reacting properly to shots and other attacks. 6. Spamming isn't tolerated. - Self explanatory. 7. No metagaming - Using OOC knowledge to do something ICly. 8. Two word actions are NOT allowed. - E.g. "I aim, I fire", etc. (this is combat only) 9. Timeskipping (Skipping a certain time period, e.g. a few hours, a day, a month etc.) - Only permitted if all players agree upon it. 10. Don't troll. - Self explanatory. 11. Respect each other like you respect women. 12. Don't argue with staff. - Will result in a kick and if you continue you will be serverbanned. 13. Don't ask to get sized or teleported, only result to calling staff if there is a genuine problem and not if you're a lazy muppet. 14. Mercy kill. - If someone is bit or bleeding out and/or near death, you may kill them. (Although the victim decides if it's permanent or not). 15. RTK can only be granted by admins. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff regarding approvals. Overpowered weapons (RPGs, Flamethrowers and other high power weaponry) need to be approved by an admin (cos the mods are lazy and inactive). Vehicles must be approved by an admin. (Enoir or lor_nzo) NPCs are not allowed, unless they're a child. Animal NPCs are allowed to be killed regardless of what the player who owns them thinks. also here's some basic stuff you should know if you're going on an rp game. OOC - Out of character, and for the love of God please use () whilst OOC. IC - In character - Self explanatory. PTK - Permission to kill. (Permanent). PTSK - Permission to server kill. (Server only). RTK - Reason to kill. Also don't say "Kill me" ICly then not give PTK, whoever says "Kill me" ICly has PTK granted on them.

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