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#218350325Wednesday, June 07, 2017 8:23 PM GMT

June 7, 2017 STATE OF FIRESTONE Hello Firestone, Today, I am here to announce my candidacy for House of Representatives! This candidacy is not for me, it's for you! The slogan for our candidacy, is "Firestone's Voice WILL be heard!" Infact, I have people who I actually surveyed, they are just SOME, of the many people, who voices will be heard. -TABLE OF CONTENTS- SECTION 1- The Voices / The Voiceless SECTION 2- Gun control SECTION 3- Vehicle Concerns SECTION 4- Importance of First Resonders -------------------------------------------------------------- -SECTION 1- SECTION 1: Paragraph one: Citizens of Firestone, its really important, that all of our thoughts and ideas, are shared. Truly, there is a reason why we House of Representatives, isn't the whole point about House of Representatives, is to represent the people? How can we represent the people, without knowing what the people are saying. Really, thats why I am running for office. Not to just achieve my dream, or to gain power, my friends they are sufering, and are mad, they arent able to express themselves to government, and they were sorrowful, and now that`s why I am running. To make your voice heard, my voice heard! SECTION 1: Paragraph Two: Now, a key point is to to show you, I have been doing work, and getting peoples opinons, on how the state is doing, and what we can do better as a community. The following are quotes from discord. OfficerVideoGame: "People who actually stay in house, and attend sessions!" OfficerVideoGame, I WILL stay in house, and make sure, that the state becomes better! Captain Justinpaulroberts DOC: "They should fix V1 up for the people who can't afford v2!" Captain Rob########rst off thank you for being a LEO and protecting us citizens, working hard. Now, I will try to use my power, as a privilege to make the developers, as fast as they can. I know, that alot of LEO's can't patrol, due to the amount of robux. Really, I do understand and the officers are losing focus, and when they return on job, they will forget about what they are doing. I really do hear you on this one. Citizen TitanNation: "Well I think... Police Officers should really be more trained, on how to use technics, and have to fill out discharge reports Its one, not fair to other departments, second they can shoot anyone without needing to explain what happened. We as citizens HAVE to record all the time, and that's not our job! We shouldn't need to explain it!" Mr. Titan, I truly understand your concern! I as a citizen have seen these things! I will try my best to put an end to this! That is just a few, of many citizens! -SECTION 2- GUN CONTROL: Paragraph 1: You see, as guns are being implemented it is crucial, we don't put the guns with the wrong people. I understand, that the Firearms Commission Test will be hard. Though, we can never be to precautious! Who knows, a person might not cause any crimes, but when they get it they could. These guns, put first responders life at risk. That is something, no one should have to fear. First Responders, already have to save lives, but having gun fire everywhere will surely, not help.. GUN CONTROL: Paragraph 2: Now, in my campaign I will focus, not only on voice be heard, but also Making our first responders safe, and that criminals, will NOT have the upper hand. We as innocent law abiding citizens, SHOULD, be safe! We love our state, we don't want it to crumble and fall! We as a state must stick together, and do what MUST be done! I hope you all agree with my believing in this, and you believing in this. -SECTION 3- Vehicle Concerns: Paragraph 1: Now, with NEW Motor Vehicles, it makes us all wonder, what WILL happen. With buying cars, more difficult with the brand new money system already put in place, we must take our values, and we must take this very seriously. New cars, equals more car crashes, and MVA's (Motor Vehicle Accidents) EVEN MORE, concerning! I believe, as we are a state of roleplaying and realism, I suggest we make a DMV, (Department of Motor Vehicles). Whom will be in charge of, making sure all citizens are safe, and good enough, to drive on our state's roads! Vehicle Concerns: Paragraph 2: With that being said, I want your input on that! Please, PM me your ideas, and your concerns, dealing with a DMV. This, will create more jobs for civilians (YOU, AND ME) in having a place to make more money. I also believe that this will create more safety on ##r###r########king all of us safe. That's why you moved to Firestone, right? -SECTION 4- Importance of First Responders: Paragraph 1: The state of Firestone, as multiple agencys dedicated to the safety and wellbeing of this state. Such as, Firestone State Patrol Lead by, the honorable Colonel WaterLostic. Including, the St########### County Sheriff's Office, who protects our wonderful, and professional county. Then, we have the St#########ounty Fire Department lead by, Chief Mack. Which they Sta#########th Fire, and medical safety needs. We shouldn't forget our Department of Corrections, whom I used to work for, Lead by Warden Palmertae! These departments, protect us, and we should help them. Important of First Responders: Paragraph 2: Since we shall help them, we should all make part of our term to dedicate them, by creating bills, protecting them, and giving them speical perks, to protecting us, day to day. I hope you all agree when I say, they are our safety, and our well being of Firestone. --------- Well, as you can see, this is just a few of the things I shall do. I will stay active, and listen to you all. You are the ones who can only help me. I CANNOT do this without your support, if you would, please do |SUPPORT| below, clicking reply. I want your support, and please spread this to all citizens, lets make them all heard, and lets make YOU HEARD! ############# Candidate For House Of Representatives Firestone Independence Party Comittee
#218350555Wednesday, June 07, 2017 8:28 PM GMT

Support. Signed, Speaker Pro Tempore OfficerVideoGame
#218350565Wednesday, June 07, 2017 8:28 PM GMT

For any questions, feel free to PM me! Or DM me over discord DISCORD- Willson_Moore #9349 God bless you all!
#218352561Wednesday, June 07, 2017 8:57 PM GMT

Support -TitanNation
#218354148Wednesday, June 07, 2017 9:20 PM GMT

NO SUPPORT. Extremely unqualified and fails to grasp politics.
#218354211Wednesday, June 07, 2017 9:21 PM GMT

May I ask, why you think that?
#218354240Wednesday, June 07, 2017 9:22 PM GMT

May I ask, why you think that? Oh, your also out of firestone..
#218358582Wednesday, June 07, 2017 10:19 PM GMT

#218359265Wednesday, June 07, 2017 10:29 PM GMT

I support the fact that this belongs in C&G Signed, A guy who would like to RP on this RP sub forum instead of read election announcements
#218359461Wednesday, June 07, 2017 10:33 PM GMT

Jk lol
#218359635Wednesday, June 07, 2017 10:35 PM GMT

Support -ValmarPutin :d
#218359896Wednesday, June 07, 2017 10:39 PM GMT

Support -Lol No one needs signing
#218361074Wednesday, June 07, 2017 10:56 PM GMT

absolutely not.
#218363596Wednesday, June 07, 2017 11:36 PM GMT

Support, by not much. Firestone Department Of Corrections Sergeant, droow
#218378609Thursday, June 08, 2017 3:00 AM GMT

It really should be in Clans, but its fine. Your right. Still support
#218387496Thursday, June 08, 2017 5:38 AM GMT

#218393388Thursday, June 08, 2017 8:31 AM GMT

He's used alts to gain votes. They are "ValmarPutin" and "CowSareSool6"
#218396520Thursday, June 08, 2017 10:32 AM GMT

no support not fit for congress
#218397561Thursday, June 08, 2017 11:12 AM GMT

Take this to Clans and Guilds.
#218480374Friday, June 09, 2017 12:47 PM GMT

Support House of Representative Birren
#218504211Friday, June 09, 2017 7:47 PM GMT

Support Signed, Wolfcreator2 FDOC Assistant Warden

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