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#218352555Wednesday, June 07, 2017 8:57 PM GMT

Hello Defaultio, well there are some really hard things to do in Lumber Tycoon 2, so I'm suggesting ideas if you possibly agree with them. Well, here they are: 1. End-Times Tree: Well, since we waste 20k+ money on a single eyeball, it's really hard to find a server with the End-Times tree. So I suggest you making a sign if there is any tree in the void. 2. Lumber Wood: So there is Hellwood, End-Times Wood, Zombie Wood, can we make something "heavenly"? Well, we can make Lumber Wood which is the hardest wood to get. You can buy Paul Bunyan's Ox for 100k+ in the Enchanted Woods. Hope this sparks you. 3. Lumber Axe: A Lumber Axe is an axe that represents all the axes in the game. The purpose of the axe is to break the Heaven Wood with 8 chops. In order to get it, you have to put all the axes in the game to get it. But the Heaven Axe won't do any effect on other trees. Well, thank you for reading my suggestions. Hope you like them! -CreepyDestroyerFire (Gamer of 2015)
#218354430Wednesday, June 07, 2017 9:24 PM GMT

Wrong fourm ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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