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#218709311Monday, June 12, 2017 6:40 AM GMT

OG Thread: https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=197999428 The 2nd story was posted i'm like 75% sure, if you can find it i'll give you some robux Date: 4/19/2069-4/20/2069 (70 years after Columbine) Setting: Columbine High, Denver, Roblox Characters: Jimb#####i#####r#######Seacat (Dylan Klebold) All other characters are portrayed as students or teachers Jimbo spends the night at Seacats house. It was a long night, they found a good hiding spot for their AK-47's and various other lethal weapons and explosives. Knowing that tomorrow was probably their last day, they spent the night playing RoBlox and Steam games. Nobody knew what was going to go do## ####h##day of 4/20/##########Jimbo and Seacat. Jimbo: "Hah, beat you on that level. Get good." Seacat: "Yeah, whatever. We need to plan for tomorrow, we can't run in going haywire and shooting everyone." Jimbo: "Oh yes we can. What do we do with an AK, fire one bullet at a time?" Seacat: "Oh shut up. You know what I mean." Jimbo: *scoffs* It was a long night, both friends were sweating heavily, deep inside they knew ######## ## the school wasn't good, but for the way the jocks treated them, it was necessary. During the month of April, they went down to their local gas station to gather bullets and ammunition, and they searched the #### ### for bomb tutorials. They got their guns from cops and soldiers from both sides of the family, being rich in history with those specific career fields. A new day rises. 4/20, the day of vengeance, fear, and hate. Jimbo and Seacat packed all ammunition, bombs, and weapons into Jimbo's Burgundy 4-door sedan loaned to him by his mother. And off they went, driving down to the sunny Columbine High. The sedan is seen pulling up to Columbine. Both kids get out, not yet getting their supplies until a specific bully shows up. (student)kevinjiang: Well well well, if it isn't my 2 favorite students, Jimbo and Seacat. Where's the lunch money? Jimbo+Seacat: *walking to trunk in silence* kevinjiang: Hmm, what's in there? You must be some big losers for storing money in the trunk of a rusty, old sedan. Seacat: *Pulls out AR-15 with silencer and sprays at kevinjiang's head* 1 dead. (KevinJiang) 1 murderer and 1 soon-to-be walk into Columbine, trench coats loaded with concealed weapons. First stop - Loudspeaker at the front office. Jimbo: *Walks into the office silently until pulling out an ak-47 and spraying into the office, killing everyone until reaching for the loudspeaker* 3 dead (All teachers: WhalersBlogger, TinyBerry3, and Diskerud.) Jimbo into loudspeaker: Today, oh today, I have been waiting for this *laughs*... Part 2 coming soon/Made by Jimaae (Posted on ALT)
#218721299Monday, June 12, 2017 1:42 PM GMT


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