#21900426Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:27 PM GMT

I walked downstairs rubbing my head and unfurling my wings a little.
#21900468Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:27 PM GMT

I laughed. "A race for who gets the shower first? What are you , nine?" , I said and then finished. I put mine and his plate in the dish washer and then sat back down on the couch.
#21900505Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:28 PM GMT

"I have a brain of one." I laughed back, and showered quickly, then sat on the couch beside her. "What we doing then?"
#21900514Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:29 PM GMT

I got up and walked down the stairs.
#21900554Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:29 PM GMT

Nam.e:Jackson vancoover Ag.e:16 Gender:M Looks: a white hoodie, black jeans, black sneakers, dirtyblond hair down to his eyes, white eyes, a blue t-shirt. Powers: speed, flexability. Wing Looks:Black with red on the tips. Likes?:pie, corn, friends dogs. Dislikes?: cake, pointy objects, tornados Bio?:He lives in a two story house by (The people that are posting above me) and has a golden retriver that is called grover. (nah XD)
#21900597Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:30 PM GMT

"I don't know.", I said.
#21900675Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:32 PM GMT

"Girls never know what to do. Typical." I teased. I switched on the TV.
#21900734Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:33 PM GMT

I scoffed and looked at the TV , seeing what was on.
#21900799Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:34 PM GMT

Jackson~ I was making eggs when grover woke up. "hey grover! how ya doin?" I said and ruffled his had.
#21900806Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:34 PM GMT

#21900826Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:35 PM GMT

I switched it to the Discovery Channel, and set the remote down. "We've been looking a useful hman hybrids for the future, but we'll have to wait for hundreds of years. Otherwise, impossible." A reporter said. I laughed heartily.
#21900895Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:36 PM GMT

(??? who did you say morning too?)
#21900950Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:37 PM GMT

I looked at Cristina. "Morning." , I said and looked back at the TV.
#21900992Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:37 PM GMT

#21901022Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:38 PM GMT

"Morning Cristy!" I called. I channel hopped a bit more. I let the remote settle as I found a parliment channel. I knew no one else liked it, but I did.
#21901049Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:38 PM GMT

(Im not there though O.o) Jackson~ I sat down on my couch and sigh, i look around and see a house that i always stare at. " i wonder if anyone lives there."
#21901077Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:39 PM GMT

I stood up boredly. "I'm going outside." , I said. I walked outside and walked along a small trail.
#21901158Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:41 PM GMT

tHE PROGRAM STOPPED, AND i FLICKED THE tv OFF. "Same. I said." And followed her.
#21901235Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:42 PM GMT

I ate quickly and put my plate in the dishwasher.
#21901300Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:43 PM GMT

I yawned agian and had my diary in my hand. I always wrote in it when I was bored.
#21901366Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:44 PM GMT

I walked out, and circled the sky, whilst the shadows whistled around me.
#21901472Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:46 PM GMT

jackson~ I took out my favorite book and propped me feet up and read it.
#21902072Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:56 PM GMT

I sat on a rock and wrote in it. "Dear Diary: This morning was the pretty much usual. I got something over me from Nergo , I'm writing in you , and I'm still in my PJ's. Don't judge me." , I wrote and then stopped.
#21904758Tuesday, March 02, 2010 9:42 PM GMT

I stood up and walked over to the cliff. I jumped off of it and unfolded my wings.
#21907636Tuesday, March 02, 2010 10:28 PM GMT

Jackson~ I sighed and put my hood up i jumped in the air and spreaded my black wings and soared in the sky.