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#218949671Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:18 PM GMT

[Rules Of the Roleplay] I've role-played for a long time, on and off site, and have basically decided that a rule section does nothing more than limit a story, as people try so hard not to break them. So simple stuff. 1. No god modding, or any types of powers that could lead to god modding. This includes and sort of time control, future vision, or anything similar. Superhuman durability and endurance is fine, but borderline invulnerability is not. There has to be some weakness, and it can't be a "Superman" like weakness. (I.E. something arbitrary that you make up as your weakness, like Kryptonite, won't fly.) 2. Absolutely no killing of other RPers without their consent, or my expressed approval if they seem to be breaking the first and third rules, or acting incredibly rash towards the story. There is an underlying story to all of this, yet it is meant to be open and we can go about it absolutely any way we see fit. However that does not mean that this story is subordinate to some other sub story you make, there is a theoretical beginning middle and end, but throughout all of it we are open to participate in any side quest/story that we see fit, it's a community adventure. 3. Please keep it small, as in your character(s). I usually prefer only 2 characters per story, and well thought out powers that don't cover basically everything... What I'm also saying is, don't waste your power description on super human attributes (super strength, super speed, etc...) for MOST metahumans this is expected, so simply say in your bio or powers "Metahuman Physiology". It's a range, some metahumans are stronger than others, just like normal humans. It's a spectrum, just don't make yourself a god. And on the statement, everything else is subject to my will. If something seems to be a bad idea for the story, I will express my displeasure. I know I can't remove you from the forum, but I can simply tell everyone else to ignore you, or continue without you. So simply put, don't go over the edge. [Character Sheet] Name: Age: (Lets try 13+ please) Gender: Bio: Powers: (Explain what they can do, try not to go ridiculous) Special Skills: (This has nothing to do with powers, this would be something like "Can lockpick" or "can pickpocket" or "trained with nun chucks")"
#218950163Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:26 PM GMT

Name:Akio Age:18 Gender:Male Bio:Akio the child born from fire,he was trained all his life to become an assasin.When he became 16 years old he was sent to a war and killed everything in his sight. Powers:Can control fire a little bit Special Skills:Is good at fighting with Katana's
#218950316Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:28 PM GMT

(is my character sheet good?)
#218950556Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:33 PM GMT

I'd expand a tiny bit more
#218950668Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:35 PM GMT

(hm.. ill think of a better Bio)
#218950881Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:38 PM GMT

To any interested, add your own Appearance!
#218951158Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:42 PM GMT

Name: ###### ######### Age: Apparently 20 Gender: Male Appearance: Darren is a tall man, standing at a usually daunting ##### #### # #### built frame, he seems like he would have been a perfect soldier, or athlete. His medium black hair is usually cut to a little over his ears, his striking silver eyes are commonly hidden behind sunglasses, or even wraps, as he fears what his powers may do unchecked. (Commonly, he only removes his sunglasses or wraps at night time). His body seems to have unnecessary, and odd, scars in random places, as if he was a war torn veteran. The most prominent scar is one on the left side of his lips, that runs down to the bottom of his bottom jaw, and up to bottom of his nose. Darren usually wears a black leather motorcycle jacket, over casual clothes, due to his, well, motorcycle. Jeans and shorts, whatever is more comfortable to him. He dresses and acts, somewhat, like a normal 20 year old man. Bio: Darren has little recollection of his past, having spent the past 5 years of his life training in secret with his powers. The most he can tell you is he is not 20 years old, he has appeared this way for almost 100 years now, and has little memory of why he's like this. Having been trained in a secret organization, he learned how to hone and control his powers, learning that he held terrible might within himself. Due to this, he casually "pulls his punches", afraid of what his full power might unleash. Powers: Superhuman Physiology, Telekinesis, small amounts of Telepathy and Psychic abilities, and a daunting control over an energy named "Fear" Special Skills: His organization trained him well in the use of almost all weaponry. Is he amazing at any? Possibly swords. He is no master at any single weapon, and can hold his own in almost every form of combat, but that doesn't mean he can win. His only masterful form of combat is hand to hand.
#218951186Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:43 PM GMT

Name Daren Recole
#218951287Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:44 PM GMT

Name:Akio. Age:18. Gender:Male. Bio:Akio had a hard childhood... He was forced to train everyday and participate in assasination missions.Because of these he became a cold blooded killer,he kills without ########################### Red hair,Gray eyes,Is usually pale. Powers:Can control fire a little bit. Special Skills:Is good at fighting with Katana's. (is this sheet good??)
#218951322Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:44 PM GMT

#218951414Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:45 PM GMT

(oml ur description is so big .-. i have to work a lot to make a description like dat)
#218954349Thursday, June 15, 2017 8:30 PM GMT

You're fine, plus bump.

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