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#219056143Saturday, June 17, 2017 3:43 AM GMT

In the past week or so, there has been a reoccurring problem that I've noticed has gotten increasingly worse in a course of maybe a month. Everyday, I cannot go longer than 2-4 hours without at least 5 spam accounts that usually go by the name "READMY-BIO" or "CLICKLINKONBIO" or something of that sort. Not only is incredibly annoying, but I feel the reporting system isn't strong enough to take them down quickly and easily. There NEEDS to be an algorithm to either make the spam account reporting more efficient or there needs to be a crack down on suspicious account naming. While I'm not exactly sure WHAT Roblox can do (As in I'm unsure if they can dedicate a moderator to spam accounts or be able to create a successful and effective system to eliminate a majority of spam accounts), I don't doubt their ability to do something at very least. Considering that a vast majority of the demographic for this game is around 8-12, children are bound to be more gullible/naive and curious. By cracking down the problem of excessive spam accounts, the amount of children either getting scammed out of their account or even getting a virus on their computer would decrease, hopefully, drastically. While I'm not personally gullible enough to believe these accounts, along with other young adults on Roblox I'm sure, it is EXTREMELY annoying to get 20-25 accounts A DAY trying to friend you or even try and contact you via direct messages. I'm not sure if anyone else is having this problem, but I am, and I'm tired of it. I also wasn't sure if this counted as an account inquiry worthy enough to put into an email towards Roblox. I figured it would be harmless to put my own two cents on this problem and why it needs to be fixed or improved upon as soon as possible. I realize that it's pretty much impossible to COMPLETELY erase every spam account on Roblox, but having a good amount taken out would be a huge relief on me and others. If anyone else is experiencing the same thing that I am, feel free to add to this or correct me on things that I've gotten wrong ^^' I'm not much of a techie, so understanding the process of programming isn't 'my thing'. ALSO if this is in the wrong thread, please tell me!
#219066895Saturday, June 17, 2017 7:35 AM GMT

They can't remove, its pointless, they need to add a captcha to stop the bot accounts, and a massive banwave to clear the accounts

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