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#219094898Saturday, June 17, 2017 6:03 PM GMT

I find meepcity to be fun with the peeps customization and events and stuff like that but the thing i REALLY hate about meepcity is these annoying trolls and Oders invading parties.While i type this forum i was just on a party with a ton of fnaf fans and this troll comes in spamming chat saying "FNAF IS CANCER" and "EBOLA" he even targeted me for no reason.while i tried to get rid of him he still wouldn't go away.Me and 2 other users knew about this person so we muted him and roasted him for being a jerk to everyone on the party.
#219095544Saturday, June 17, 2017 6:13 PM GMT

^ I've never encountered the OD'ers invading parties and trolls

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