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#219488580Friday, June 23, 2017 12:07 AM GMT

As everyone clearly saw, I've been exiling people left and right. Call me too much, call me a horrible Commissioner. Lancerta/Draino will not ever step back in this league unless something changes, and now Rowan will join the crowd. Using an alt following a suspension? O okay, with B8pe having FULL knowledge by signing him? I will be posting proof in the discord. But let's just say EXILE is the new crash. Cyclops isn't gonna deny my exiles. I'm racking up so many people in the suspended spreadsheet and it's only expanding. Let's not ruin this season any more than it already has thanks to plenty of Roblox updates/outdated Scripts. ____ That leads me to the next thing, new arena. Here's how we're gonna end the season. We will no longer have a court changer in the arena. We will be using generic NRBA logos for the remainder of the season. It'll debut TOMORROW, admins updated, less lag, no ball delay, everything will be just fine. I will be hiring referees as well, so DM on discord if you are interested. I promise to have less delays in games. Don't think this is a sign of the league dying, we've had issues like this for as long as I can remember. I've assigned Futbol and Mac to run the Media for the NRBA, so that'll be on them. If they want to keep their jobs. ____ Here's where I'll let the NRBA decide :). This is how much I hate Neon, Mac, Futbol! You guys decide what you want them to do to keep their jobs. And I mean ANYTHING (league related, and something I can actually enforce and suspend if necessary). Mac is completely lazy, has done nothing. Neon needs something, Futbol has been lazy. So here's what I'd post in the comments: A) Any delays in games will result in a 5 game suspension/ban from the arena. O you don't think I'll do it? Ha, Lancerta didn't think I'd do anything, and then I had him crying about the exile. Don't try me. I'm upset with the stupidity of the next generation of players. This is exactly why after myself, the NRBA will no longer live. After me there's no "CloneJoe" or "Sugarbounty." General/Cyclops/Andrew/Cookie/Boddizle/Bnavy, they're all gone people. I'm the last hope. O wait there's Kayska. I'm still waiting to be fired, isn't that what Kayska threatened me with more than once? Ha. Anyways, call me what you want. My league, my rules. Goodnight ladies. Any questions, you know how to reach me. ~ Commissioner MrAwesome
#219488794Friday, June 23, 2017 12:10 AM GMT

What the hell
#219490736Friday, June 23, 2017 12:38 AM GMT

Fire Mac kid a soft one
#219520906Friday, June 23, 2017 11:44 AM GMT

#219520920Friday, June 23, 2017 11:44 AM GMT

#219542539Friday, June 23, 2017 6:22 PM GMT

PLz dont suspend Mr. Arowolo PLZ

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