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#219536885Friday, June 23, 2017 4:59 PM GMT

1. Name (If you are sending this via discord put your ROBLOX username, if you are sending this via ROBLOX PM use your discord name and tag if you have one) 2. How long have you been in RCSO? 3. How many days of the week are you available? 4. How many hours a day are you available? 5. Do you have a Discord? (Discord is required): 6. Do you have a Trello? (Trello is required): 5. You come up to a scene where someone has called for !help, you arrive on the scene and the officer has the man in cuffs, the man is saying he abused his power and is arresting him for no reason, how do you respond to this situation? 6. You see an ambulance fly past you code 3, but they haven't called an emergency over the radio, how do you respond? 7. You see a Deputy with someone pulled over but the Deputy is new and has pulled the man over for what you know is an invalid reason, how do you respond? 8. A man comes up and claims you are abusing your power, how do you respond?: 9. Do you understand that Abusing Admin will result in a termination from the position of RCSO administrator and possibly a suspension after being demoted? 10. Do you understand that as a RCSO Administrator any rules broken while on duty will result in termination as a RCSO Administrator? _________________________________________________________________________________ END OF APPLICATION. WHEN DONE SEND TO VirtualLaw#7652 VirtualLaw
#219572006Saturday, June 24, 2017 12:51 AM GMT

wrong forum.

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