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#219550851Friday, June 23, 2017 8:14 PM GMT

1. Be able to block more than the limit atm. 2. Be stricter on the names. 3.Make it so people can not post on the fourms for 24hrs after they joined due to trolling. 4. Stop sites that leak upcoming items or events it just gets around and people that want it to be a surprise cannot. 5. Inforce copyright such as places nameing themselves after a real restraunt. 6. Be more strict on the hastags but lift them up so we can type numbers. 7. Add more free items to the catalog (new players might loose intrest.) 8. Get rid people trolling at cafes. (like frappe) 9. Make it so that you can not be followed by anyone (due to bots) Thanks for reading!
#219551019Friday, June 23, 2017 8:16 PM GMT

remove the follow feature ban "macblox" or "subblox" stop leaking upcoming items lower the time limit before posting stricter tags. (NO) trolling at café no support. CUAC
#219551093Friday, June 23, 2017 8:17 PM GMT

^ tags for numbers will be removed but innapropriate words you can say now should be removed.
#219551146Friday, June 23, 2017 8:18 PM GMT

like the g one but basically your tagging more non-cuss words
#219551222Friday, June 23, 2017 8:19 PM GMT

Some "non cusswords" are inappropriate for children. That we can say now.
#219551264Friday, June 23, 2017 8:20 PM GMT

soon the word "ROBLOX" or "hi" will be tagged stop arguing back please

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