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#21956755Thursday, March 04, 2010 12:36 AM GMT

Okay, I've thinking. We need a real group war system. This is what I came up with. Every group gets a value. This value could be something like "Worth" or "Fame" or something. It's basically a score. Every group starts with 500. When you click the Groups button, instead of showing groups in order by members, it would show them in order by your "score." This is the actual war part. When you declare war on someone, you select a battle area, and you get your own private server for those two groups only there. This server would be bigger than normal; perhaps 30-50 people max. (Each team would have a max of half that in at a time) So, these "battle areas" would be pre-created places made by Roblox. They would give each team an equal advantage. During the war, every time someone on your team gets a KO, you gain 3 points. Every time you get a WO, you lose 2 points. Whenever you die, you get "banned" form the war; you died so you can't continue fighting. Also when you die, that'll make room in the server for more teammates. Now, you may be thinking that giant groups like RAT or UCR or FEAR have an advantage. To prevent this, starting a war should cost 100-500 "score." In addition, you would only be able to engage war with two groups at once. Still, you might think big groups have a huge advantage. But, if you think about it... Big groups are generally untrained. It's safe to say that half their members are either inactive, banned, alts, offline, or unaware. Also, there's a max of people in the server at a time, so you won't get mobbed. Obviously they will have an advantage, but it won't be too huge. So, there has to be a way for the war to end. You could either, surrender, run out of troops, make a treaty, or win. Also, if you win, you should get a bonus to your "score," and if you lose, you lose extra "score." That's how I think it might work. Now, I was also thinking that groups could have group funds. You'd get an allowance of money each day, and you could also gain money by donations from members or other groups. You could possibly have a group inventory where you have things like uniforms and models and decals and stuff like that. If you bought clothes from the inventory, the money could go to the group. This also ties in with the wars. If you win a war, your group could get a random percentage of the losing group's profit. With these group finds, you could buy things like extra group ranks, perhaps special tools/weapons/advantages in wars, maybe special models for your group place, and maybe extra customization for group pages. In addition, I think there needs to be a messaging option for groups, to send messages to all group members. To prevent massive spamming, there would be a rather lengthy "flood check" for the messages, and it would only send to those online, making it easy to delete, and unable to pile up in offline's inboxes. Maybe even make it cost from the group funds. And a few smaller ideas here... A way to show allies/enemies and more room in the group description. Well, those are my ideas. Please give feedback, and add to the ideas. Replies with content such as “tl;dr,” “word wall,” “fail,” and “noob,” or otherwise spamish/trollish (failish) will be treated as such; be ignored and reported. Though, if you give a reason why, it’s actual feedback, and will not be. Thanks, -Doc
#21956845Thursday, March 04, 2010 12:38 AM GMT

Roblox doesn't support group - group wars. It would be a good idea for your own group.
#21956962Thursday, March 04, 2010 12:39 AM GMT

Perhaps they don't support it because they couldn't think of an organized way to do it.
#21956997Thursday, March 04, 2010 12:40 AM GMT

No, its because it leads to group attacks, trolling, and flame wars.
#21957017Thursday, March 04, 2010 12:40 AM GMT

Good...except the part about the money. Maybe if you win the war you get 10 points instead of actualy tix/robux. And as you said they can be used to buy extra ranks, or customise the group wall. -Supported
#21997978Friday, March 05, 2010 1:09 AM GMT

#21998078Friday, March 05, 2010 1:10 AM GMT

ROBLOX doesn't support group wars. Like Taslem said, group attacks, flame wars, and trolling will occur.
#21998457Friday, March 05, 2010 1:14 AM GMT

I dont agree, expecially about the part of someone dying they'll get banned from server... also ehat talsmen said
#21998652Friday, March 05, 2010 1:17 AM GMT

Group wars aren't allowed by Roblox. They will not make any feature concerning it except to prevent it.

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