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#219583381Saturday, June 24, 2017 3:30 AM GMT

Hey there! now before i begin i would like to thank you for taking your time to read this carefully.Before i start telling it i would like to go over the main characters in Chapter 1,Part 1 ##### characters:Kiara and Miasha Once upon a time...Kiara had just woke up and ate breakfast.Kovu and the cubs woke up too.Kovu got ready to eat breakfast and go hunting.Kovu left while Ziza,Zazu's daughter came to pride rock with a message for Kiara.Zaza gave her the message and flew away.Kiara was amazed with joy and decided to surprise everyone with the news.Meanwhile in Miasha's cave...Miasha was joyfully packing crystals for everyone along with some pearls.Then she grabbed her things and left.When Kovu got back Kiara told everyone that Miasha was coming.Then they all started panicking while trying to clean pride rock.There were spider webs and dust everywhere.At night they had finished.Meanwhile at Miasha's house...Miasha was nearly there but then it started to rain and it started to flood.Miasha knew she had to keep going but then she got swept away by the water current.She was able to get out by hopping on a tree branch.She started running to the pridelands while Vultures were chasing her.She made it to pride rock a few hours after sunrise.Kiara saw her and woke everyone up then they all gave her a tour of the pridelands.Miasha was staying for a few months.They all went hunting a few hours later,at night they all went too sleep looking at the stars. Part 2 coming soon...
#219583437Saturday, June 24, 2017 3:30 AM GMT

the ##### was m ai n
#219583555Saturday, June 24, 2017 3:32 AM GMT

help me im in the wrong forum

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