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#219905640Tuesday, June 27, 2017 10:35 PM GMT

Section 1: CHMG Rules for ALL employees -All rules of ROBLOX and CHMG must be followed at all times. -All employees must work together as a team to provide an inviting environment to our patients. -Disrespect to other members in this group or to patients and guests will be put on “Administrative Leave” -All CHMG HRs (High Ranks) should be treated with utmost respect, disrespect will not be tolerated and will be punished. -As an CHMG employee you should represent us in a respectable manner at all times. -If you notice a member breaking a rule you can report it no matter what your rank is to any HR in this group. -You are to follow EVERY command given to you by any higher ranking member, unless the it is breaking a rule in which case you can deny and/or report. Section 2: CHMG Rules for all HRs -As a high ranking employee for CHMG you must set a good example for lower ranking members by following all CHMG rules. -As a HR people in your department will need to contact you so you MUST keep your PM's open to everyone, failure to do so will result in demotion to Attending. -Any evidence of taking bribes will result in immediate demotion of both parties to "Patients". -HRs have opportunities to put lower ranking members in "Administrative Leave” rank as long as a form is submitted to the Board of Directors -An HR can only remove a person from the "Administrative Leave” rank if he/she was the administrator that suspended said employee Section 3: CHMG Workplace Guidelines -All patients should be treated with respect. -Only admit one patient in at a time. -No doctors at any time should roleplay any infectious diseases or any inappropriate roleplays. -No doctors are allowed to roleplay as a patient until our waiting room is empty and all patients are taken care of breaking if this rule will result in a warning then a demotion. -ANY CHMG resident rank can perform a surgery with supervision of an Fellow+ member. -Nurses CANNOT perform surgeries without assistance of a resident and someone ranking Fellow+ -If you are leaving the hospital try to have someone cover your case do not ever leave your patient unattended unless you are in a room with a locked door (Group Rank Door). Section 4: CHMG Training Guidelines -Only members DAH+ can host trainings anyone can ask/request a training by asking on our group wall. -Fellows and Attendings may host a training with permission and supervision of their Department Head or Assistant Head-At conclusions of training each participating member of can be given anywhere from 5-####o###### #o######re used to determine promotions 15###o######re needed for a promotion) -Fellows and Attendings must adhere to the requests from whoever is hosting or admin may be removed Section 7: CHMG External Group Rules -All rules of CHMG MUST be respected in CHMG chatrooms (Discord, Sk######tc.) -An employee of CHMG CANNOT be suspended for actions that were committed in another group or anywhere outside of CHMG *****These rules are subject to change without notice***** *****Failure to abide to any of these rules will result in punishment*****
#220073853Friday, June 30, 2017 1:31 AM GMT

You've already broken some of these rules ######## Like with KileySteel.

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