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#219960302Wednesday, June 28, 2017 3:56 PM GMT

I've hired a lot of devs to build a restaurant. However, I feel like a lot of them have started to fall apart and procrastinate for a bit. I've had a builder that hasn't done anything for 3 weeks straight, and another that has been online, but playing other games. I pay the devs weekly (Pretty handsomely too), but I do not think the robux is motivating them enough. Is there anything I can do to maybe reward them better or keep their motivation up? Yes, I'll admit, these are pretty experienced builders and scripters, but I'm just worried about the project being forgotten about or cancelled. Yes, I posted this in this catagory because I know devs will see this. Thanks for the feedback if you contribute.
#219960467Wednesday, June 28, 2017 3:59 PM GMT

Don't pay until you are given a preview then pay in exchange for the actual work. Otherwise you will be exploited,
#219966945Wednesday, June 28, 2017 5:54 PM GMT

For the scripters, the lack of motivation could actually come from too much experience. I was on a project recently and the guy had me do extremely simple tasks, which I felt was just a complete waste of time - even beginner scripters could've done all the work that he was having me do. Not only that, but he kept pitching me new things to script (all of them extremely easy), along with saying "... if that isn't too hard to do," and it became pretty frustrating. It'll be different for every scripter, but I personally get more motivation out of scripting things that I've never done before, or have only done a few times. The challenge is exciting and your efforts are rewarded by the fact that you accomplished something that you haven't already done a thousand times. I'd also recommend not giving them an extremely large list of things to do. Don't give them too many choices. If you tell them to work on one specific thing, they'll feel pressured to finish it faster. But, if they have a list of 20 things to pick from, they'll feel as if they're allowed to let weeks pass by with very little progress.
#219970582Wednesday, June 28, 2017 6:52 PM GMT

As a director of a project leading is one of the hardest things to do. Heck i had to remove some devs for just for lack of activeness and motivation. As a director or employer you must see that your tasks set are met and give adequate time. My problem was giving too much time which made me seem like a pushover or lazy as well. Give them a chance to talk to you maybe 4 days but after that its removing and refinding. As for motivation you could have devs play with you on a server maybe jailbreak, i know this helped my devs with trust and getting to know each other. Also having dev's talk to one another can build friendships and enable them to work together meaning the task is completed faster. Don't forget to thanks and praise your devs as a simple thanks can turn their droopy day, happy again. One last thing is empowerment. Have a dev take some managerial power like making sure other devs complete the tasks and they report back to you if not whilst also doing thier bit, it shows you trust them and can trust them to do so plus motivates the others to work harder to get to that position and if the few rotten eggs are jelly then you know they are'nt right for the team. Hope that helps :P
#219993388Thursday, June 29, 2017 12:43 AM GMT

Stop their payments, kick em out, and find ###### responsible but passionate peeps only.
#220034638Thursday, June 29, 2017 3:44 PM GMT

Well yeah, I haven't been paying those who haven't been working, but what I meant to say that I am offering them a handsome amount to work. Thank you to those with detailed feedback and tips on how I can be a better project leader. :)

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