#22072840Saturday, March 06, 2010 4:51 PM GMT

Scizo slowly crept into the cave. Leviti signalled Lucia to go behind her. "This should be fun." Scizo said, grinning. ... The soldiers in the area slowly retreated to the sides. "It's here." The radio said. Several missiles completely obliderated a few missile jeeps and heavy tanks and some did a little bit of damage to the huge tank. A large beam suddenly came out of nowhere and did some damage to the tank. A large mechanized panther came into view, with a large gatling gun in the mouth.
Top 25 Poster
#22073115Saturday, March 06, 2010 4:57 PM GMT

(Mass war win. Needs a few queens though.) The Bashar just looked surprised. He then disappeared.
#22073213Saturday, March 06, 2010 4:58 PM GMT

The Devastator Fired 2 Plasma Bolts at the Panther...followed by 2 HE shells from it's smaller cannons... --- The Minions kept digging for Kardinal...if the wreck was taken over by the enemy...Kardinal will not survive..unless he is armed with weapons...then that is a different result... --- Lucia ran to Leviti...slowly following him...also checking her flakjacket if she had anymore grenades...she had 20 in total. "10 Frags,2 smokes,3 gas and 5 flashbangs!" She counted...
#22073413Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:02 PM GMT

"Nice." Leviti said to Lucia. He then turned around and kept a 2 metre distance between him and Scizo. "So where are we going?" Leviti asked Scizo. Scizo turned round, winked, then continued on. ... The large mecha panther was knocked back a few metres, but stayed standing on four legs. It dashed and headbutted The Devestator, then fired 4 missiles at the tank from it's back as it pushed against it. "We're in position." Krater's radio said. He was watching the battle on the monitor. "Fire." Krater said.
#22073547Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:05 PM GMT

5 Hover Pads with 5 Rocket Minions in each one arrived...they fired upon the enemy troops... 3 Gattling Tanks reached the area... --- {Makes me want to play some Command and Conquer!! XD} --- "Something tells me she knows this place.." Lucia whispered to Leviti.
#22073825Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:10 PM GMT

"... Well. If she does, then we'll be okay." Leviti whispered back. Scizo paused on the spot, and aimed her rocket launcher down the cave. ... "Sir. All the troops have been eliminated." Krater's radio said. "Deploy wave 2." Krater said. Suddenly, a whole row of Medium tanks came into view and fired upon the gatling tanks. A bombardment of artillery shells landed around the enemy's location, some causing serious damage. Two HAPC's came into view and pulled over behind the tanks. About a hundred troops in total came out from the HAPC's, and half of them were armed with RPG's. They all took aimed and fired.
#22074152Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:16 PM GMT

Lucia did not stop.she bumped into Leviti... 'Ow." --- "Defend the Area!!" The Hover Pads that contained the missile minions dismounted and fired upon the rows of Medium tanks. The Devastator Charged it's Core Engine...also driving closer to the Panther...The Driver let out a spine-chilling laugh down the microphone.
#22074536Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:24 PM GMT

The Panter's jaw slowly lowered down, and the fire that it was taking did no damage at all. A huge beam cannon came into view and started charging up. "The Sphinx is ready to be launched." Krater's radio said. Krater thought to himself... he didn't want his prized Mecha Panther to go down like this. "Hold it." He said. The remaining medium tanks advanced slowly, with the rifle-wielding troops walking behind them for cover. ... Scizo fired a rocket down the cave... a figure several metres away from them was caught in front of the missile, but the missile didn't explode. "Wha...?" Scizo got back onto her feet and walked on, with Leviti following.
#22074619Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:25 PM GMT

"I have flashlights." Lucia handed flashlights to both Leviti and Scizo.
#22074763Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:28 PM GMT

Scizo turned the flashlight on and attatched it to the side of the rocket launcher. She walked on. "Thanks..." Leviti said, attatching his to his spear gun. He walked on... ... "Sir, the beam cannon is ready to fire." The radio said. The Mecha Panther looked glorious on the monitor. "Wait for it..." Krater said.
#22075371Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:38 PM GMT

The Devastator Rolled Closer...destroyed forcefully or not...its going to explode anyway...
#22075539Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:41 PM GMT

"Wait..." Krater said. He noticed The Devastator rolling towards the Mecha Panther, and he thought deeply. "Withdraw the Panther. Launch the missile." "Yes sir." The radio replied. The Mecha Panther's beam cannon suddenly deactivated, and the jaw closed up. It let out a loud mechanical roar, then ran off through the forest. The rest of the units slowly retreated and provided cover fire, and the gunships immediately flew away.
#22075872Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:48 PM GMT

"NYAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" The Devastator's Nuclear Reactor Exploded Very Violently...even Lucia could feel it beneath her feet. --- "Whoa." Lucia almost lost her balance.
#22076181Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:54 PM GMT

"The heck was that?" Leviti asked, feeling the vibration. They suddenly came to an intersection in the cave, splitting off into 2 directions. "Hmm... Leviti, you and Lucia go left. I'll go right..." Scizo said. They both went their seperate ways. ... Except for the Mecha Panther, all the units had been destroyed. "Target eliminated. The Mecha Panther was the only unit that managed to escape though." Krater's radio said. Krater smirked. "Good... now we know what they're capable of." He chuckled, looking at the Mecha Panther running back to the base at a very fast speed.
#22076640Saturday, March 06, 2010 6:02 PM GMT

"We lost the Devastator...but we still have the upper hand!!!" The Minion 4 Light Tanks head towards the Devastator's Wreck...
#22076684Saturday, March 06, 2010 6:03 PM GMT

Leviti watched as Scizo walked off down the other cave. He then turned round to Lucia. "Coming?"
#22076740Saturday, March 06, 2010 6:04 PM GMT

-Meanwhile, in an underground lab, somewhere in Aquatic Zone....- Anton yelled out to Rengaar,"Come over here, and look at this!" Rengaar dashed over to the central console, sweating from his vigourous martial arts training session, with his iPod still in his ears. "What is it?", he said. "Radar station Omega-Alpha has just vanished!", Anton responded. "How can that be?" "I don't know, we better go and investigate." Anton heard the song that was playing in Rengaar's iPod, and asked him,"What's that song you are listening to you?" "Oh, Sonic Doesn't Need a Story, by Alex Day." [Warning, fourth wall breakage below!] "What?! That's blasphemy! If Sonic didn't have a story, we wouldn't even exist!" [End of fourth wall destruction.] "Anyways, we better get to the site, ASAP.", Anton finished, before getting out of his chair, and heading for the hangar, with Rengaar on his heels.
#22077138Saturday, March 06, 2010 6:11 PM GMT

{THIS IS MADNESS!!!} --- Elisa was flying overhead...with Sola by her side... While Lucia stood there..."Coming!!" She ran towards them.
#22077430Saturday, March 06, 2010 6:16 PM GMT

(I hope you're not trying to start what I think you are there... XD) Scizo ventured off on her own, while Leviti slowly crept down the other tunnel, making sure Lucia was behind him. ... "Sir, we are in position and Scizo's heat signal is coming towards our location. The other two have gone the other way." Krater's radio said. "Good..." Krater said. He got up and walked over to where his sword was... it was black and had glowing red ancient writing in the middle of it.
#22077798Saturday, March 06, 2010 6:21 PM GMT

"Unit are good to go!" The Mech Bay launched A robot...repaired and ready to go...although they didn't know it was Torrok... --- "Why aren't we following Scizo?" Lucia asked suddenly
#22077845Saturday, March 06, 2010 6:22 PM GMT

A hatch opened in the side of a hill in Aquatic Zone, and an A-31 Vengenace dive-bomber flew out of it, with Anton in the front-seat, and Rengaar in the rear-seat gunner position. "Alright, punching in co-ordinates, and switching to auto-pilot.", Anton said, pressing a button on the console. The Vengeance did a quarter-roll, and headed off to the site of the explosion.
#22077965Saturday, March 06, 2010 6:24 PM GMT

"Dunno... her orders." Leviti said to Lucia, keeping his spear gun aimed down the cave. ... Torrok landed on the Earth, making a crater. His body had been completely reworked. "I'm coming, Scizo..." Torrok said with his mechanical voice. He dashed off.
#22078632Saturday, March 06, 2010 6:35 PM GMT

The minions stopped digging..they needed rest..
#22078916Saturday, March 06, 2010 6:39 PM GMT

Leviti suddenly came up to a shrine. There was a dead body in front of it, and the place was lit up by candles. "...Uhh..." Leviti took a step forward. Scizo on the other hand, was now outside. ... "She's in the zone." Krater said on the radio. Suddenly, a whole group of light tanks and APC's came out of nowhere and quickly surrounded Scizo. There were 40 soldiers in total that got out of all the APC's and were crouched down in front of the light tanks, aimed at Scizo. "What the..." A gunship suddenly came down and landed in front of her. The exit platform on the gunship opened, and slowly, Krater walked out, grinning. "We meet again..." He said, grinning. He was holding his sword in his right hand.
#22079281Saturday, March 06, 2010 6:45 PM GMT

"What is this place?" Lucia looked around...everything was interesting... --- "huh?" Elisa and Sola flew over Krater... "Ready the missiles...we need to help all we can!" Sola pressed a button and a control stick came out...she gripped it...fingers on triggers. "im ready" --- Kardinal had enough of Waiting...He Slammed down the first hurts...but he didn't mind...he ignored it easily...