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#22060701Saturday, March 06, 2010 10:55 AM GMT

Running. You're running. There's... something chasing you. Something grotesque. All you can make out are those long, sharp claws. Those massive, rending fangs protruding from the creature's mouth. You can feel yourself moving faster than your legs can move. You overpace yourself and fall, face first. The floor feels soft. You fumble for your flashlight and flick it on, and you realise you've fallen across dead bodies. Thousands of them covering this massive dark void. You scream and try to scramble forward, but the beast is upon you. You try and shine your flashlight at it, but the light seems to bend around the creature. It's almost as though the thing is made of pure darkness. Panicking, you throw your flashlight at it. The flashlight is absorbed into the creature, leaving no trace behind. The beast growls at you, and you know it's the end. It lunges at you, sinking its teeth into your outstretched neck, ripping open your gut with its claws. Slience. You open your eyes, and panic for a moment. Are you alive? A quick inspection of your surroundings says yes, you are. Thank God, it appears to have all been a dream. You look around your quarters. You remember where you are. Orbital Station A328, in a slow orbit around Mars. The date? You look at the holographic calendar. May 2nd, 2318. Everything seems to be in order. You think about your situation. The future. Spaceships soving the problem of Earth's overpopulation by making colonies for people to live and prosper in. New mining technologies ensure everyone has a chance at making a living. Genetic engineering, making new subspecies of humans and superpowers possible. You admire the view for a moment. Ah, space. A beautiful and dangerous thing in equal measure. Who knows what exists out there? What may already be looking for you? What may already be on the station, hunting you down... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPECIES As I said before, the future brings us the power of altering the base codes of the human body. NOTE: If you choose to have a power, you have to be a human. Genetic engineering has allowed the following species to exist: Anthro: You should know what this is. If you don't it's basically an animal with human qualities, E.G. walking on 2 legs, talking, intelligence, etc. Avian: A human with bird DNA mixed in. A weakened, ultra-light skeletal structure and tendency not to live beyond the age of 60 are offset by the ability to fly using a set of wings on your shoulder blades. Neko: A human with the ears and tail of an animal. Nothing much else to say. Draconic. You should also know what this is if you know about a certain RP of mine. If you don't, it's a human with the ability to transform into a human-sized dragon. Comes complete with flight capabilities and a breath power of your choosing (e.g. fire, water, electricity). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POWERS If you want to stay human, you have the opportunity of having a superpower. You can't be a non-human and have a power, I'm afraid. Just to balance things out. You can only have one of these powers if you choose to have one. Fira: Allows you to make and control fire. Watra: Allows you to make and control water. Electra: Allows you to make and control electricity. Aira: Allows you to make and control air. This might seem stupid at first, but you could breathe in space in a pinch. Eartha: Allows you to make and control metal, e.g. bending it without touching it and stuff. Telekina: Allows you to move any physical object without touching it, but not make any objects. Telepatha: Allows you to read minds, speak to people through their thoughts and hypnotise people. Transmogrifa: Allows you to transform into any animal. Not any of the species listed above, just a feral animal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RULES ~ No ubering (saying stuff like 'I dodge all your bullets' or 'I kill all the enemies' is ubering). ~ No godmodding (controlling the weather or anything else your character con't control by him/herself). ~ No controlling other people's characters (saying '[your character] sat down and [someone else's character] sat down beside him/her' or something along those lines). ~ Story roleplaying only (Story roleplaying is 'Bob eats an apple'. Chatroom roleplaying is 'Bob: *eats apple*'. Don't use chatroom). ~ If you have a race other than human, you can't have a power. ~ If you have a power, you can't have a non-human race. ~ One power only. ~ Use your common sense! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Ag.e: Gender: Race (Must be human if you have a power): Appearance: Power (Can't have power if you're a non-human race): Job (Your job on the space station. Make it something realistic, like 'security' or 'engineer'): Equipment (Security can carry a small sidearm. For everyone else, no guns): Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Bio (At least two sentences):
#22060895Saturday, March 06, 2010 11:14 AM GMT

Name: Roan Bass Ag.e: 32 Gender: M Race: Anthro fox Appearance: Dull orange fur. Black tail tip. Blue denim overalls stained with spaceship fuel. White undershirt. Power: N/A Job: Spaceship engineer, responsible for the care of any ships that land in the docking bay. Equipment: Monkey wrench, lunchbox containing lunch. Personality: Solitary, often seen as grumpy. Can be outgoing when he wants to be. Likes: Reapiring a spaceship, surfing the Intranet (interlinked internet between all human colonies) Dislikes: Broken things, people who try to tell him how to do his job. Bio: Bass has always been in engineering. He enjoys building and making things in his spare time, despite the fact that he was fired from his previous job when a small AI-controlled bug he had made managed to get into the fuel tank of a spaceship, almost causing a crash.
#22061017Saturday, March 06, 2010 11:24 AM GMT

Name: Mark F. Wallow Ag.e: 28 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: Black 'BulletProof Vest', Black Uniformed Trousers, Black Leather Boots, Black Uniformed Undershirt, Black Short Scruffy Hair, Blue Eyes, White/Black Helmet. Power: None Job: Security.. Equipment: Dulled M9 Pistol, Ripped cloth Personality: A loner, Often noted as secretive, Sometimes jumpy and athletic. Likes: Quietness, Solitude, Target Practice Dislikes: Loud noises, Flashing lights, Being yelled at Bio: Mark was destined to be a Security guard, As his family said, With his trusty pistol he used, He slowly rose up through jobs, Though being fired for accidentally firing his gun, The stray bullet hit inside of the engine, Causing a near crash.
#22061113Saturday, March 06, 2010 11:31 AM GMT

(Ok, you start. I'm bad at starting. :<)
#22061125Saturday, March 06, 2010 11:32 AM GMT

(*Nervous chuckle*) I wake up in my bed, From the nightmare, I sighed and got up, Putting my uniform on.
#22061234Saturday, March 06, 2010 11:38 AM GMT

Bass jumped up out of bed and nearly fell over. That was some nightmare. It was kind of strange considering he'd never had one like that before. He got up and put his shirt, underpants and overalls on. The next docking was due in 5 minutes, and he was 5 minutes late for his shift. He pushed open the door and started running down the hallway.
#22061390Saturday, March 06, 2010 11:49 AM GMT

Bass arrived at the docking bay. "About time," said his shift partner. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," replied Bass, looking up at the ship that had just landed. Only a small one this time. It appeared to have been grazed by a stray asteroid.
#22061817Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:16 PM GMT

(Bump? D:)
#22061904Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:22 PM GMT

(Sorry bout that) I stretched, I ran outside, With the engineer.
#22061938Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:26 PM GMT

"Hey," said Bass, noticing Mark standing next to him. "How's it going?"
#22062038Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:33 PM GMT

"Fine" I replied.
#22062113Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:37 PM GMT

"Good, good," said Bass, welding a new panel onto the ship. Really, all it needed was new paint, but it was better to be safe than sorry. "Have you been having any wierd dreams lately?" he added.
#22062132Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:38 PM GMT

Name: Frank Nehin Ag.e: 29 Gender: Male Race (Must be human if you have a power): Anthro arctic fox. Appearance: White fur that becomes gray at the extremities, labcoat, white shoes and geneticist jumpsuit. Power (Can't have power if you're a non-human race): Job (Your job on the space station. Make it something realistic, like 'security' or 'engineer'): Geneticist Equipment (Security can carry a small sidearm. For everyone else, no guns): An experimental genetics on-the-spot revival pack made by the scientists and geneticists on the main research area of (our employer). Personality: Very nerdy-sounding voice. Likes: Being left alone (by annoying people), just having some peace to carry out experiments. Dislikes: Religious zealots, idiots who believe in the NGO (New Galactic order, the jack crap child of the NWO (New World OrdeR)) Bio (At least two sentences): Raised believing being in a religion was the best way to go, he didn't listen and wandered off towards the then-still emerging field of genetics. Now he's ended up here.
#22062322Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:47 PM GMT

(im actully studying the red fox.) Name:Gabriel Ag.e: 24 Gender: M Race (Must be human if you have a power):avian Appearance: white trench coat with holster built in,black,blue and white jump suit,red hair,blue eyes,black wings. Power (Can't have power if you're a non-human race): Job (Your job on the space station. Make it something realistic, like 'security' or 'engineer'): security Equipment (Security can carry a small sidearm. For everyone else, no guns):laser revolver. Personality: quiet,irritable,paranoid,nice when you get to know him Likes: still being partly human Dislikes: being avian Bio (At least two sentences):At the age of 20 after joining a private scurity comapny,he volunteered to test out new equipment what he didn't know was that the "equipment" was actully wings,the experiment failed causing his brain to shut down for 3 years,when he woke up the scientists were amazed and veiwed him as the greatest avian victory every since the first.He is estimated to live for another 20-30 years,but he has a mental problem that if he experience too much anger,rage,or saddness he will go into a rage.It just causes him to be a little bit stronger.
#22062394Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:49 PM GMT

I nodded "Mhm, This weird creature, All I remember is that it, Well..Tore my guts out in the end of it."
#22062413Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:50 PM GMT

Bass picked up his radio and tuned it to the frequency of the ship he had just repaired. "She's good to go," he said, standing back slightly as the engines glowed white-hot, then back to blue again. The ship was transported to the airlock by a mechanical arm. As the bulhead doors closed and hissed, Bass could hear the ship's engines revving up, then the sound of takeoff. Or, rather, the sound of a job well done.
#22062461Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:51 PM GMT

Bass turned back to Mark. "You know, I had a dream like that too," he said, turning to head back into the corridor system.
#22062481Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:52 PM GMT

"Hm, Strange."
#22062510Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:53 PM GMT

Frank was working on an experiiment on a monkey, trying to find the secret to hulk. (The original four powers are: X-ray vision, telekinesis, hulk, and fire resistance.)
#22062529Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:54 PM GMT

I was pacing in my office down at the security sector of the space station.
#22062616Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:57 PM GMT

Name:Zacara(last name? i havent figured one out) Ag.e:23 Gender:Male Race (Must be human if you have a power):Draconic Appearance:Human form:Dark neat hair blue t-shirt faded blue jeans blue eyes Dragon form:Yellowish scales short yellow claws yellow green wings Power (Can't have power if you're a non-human race):N/A Job (Your job on the space station. Make it something realistic, like 'security' or 'engineer'):Medic Equipment (Security can carry a small sidearm. For everyone else, no guns):A Med-Kit flashlight Personality:Kind,cuirous paranoid at points Likes:Helping other people,not getting inturupted when helping someone Dislikes:Getitng inturupted,when one of his pateints dies soon after the operation Bio:A Draconic whos people say"Draconics are only good for destruction". HE just wants to prove them wrong.
#22062630Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:58 PM GMT

Bass pressed his hand against the handprint detector lock. Well, his hand was more of a paw, but the lock hab been adjusted to fit all species a few months ago. He saw Gabriel pacing up and down the corridor. "Hey, I don't suppose you had a dream about a monster ripping you apart, did you?" Bass asked.
#22062699Saturday, March 06, 2010 1:00 PM GMT

"Was he dressed in a lab coat."I often did this,I veiwed scientists as monsters and due to me never telling anyone they normally would shrug and walk away,if they asked what I meant though I would tell them."Yes I did."
#22062700Saturday, March 06, 2010 1:01 PM GMT

Name: Tim Cooper Ag.e: 27 Gender: Male Race (Must be human if you have a power): Human Appearance: Short Black Hair, White Skin, Blue Eyes, Black Leather Jacket, White Undershirt, Black Denim Jeans, Dark Blue sneakers. Power (Can't have power if you're a non-human race): Telekina Job (Your job on the space station. Make it something realistic, like 'security' or 'engineer'): Security Equipment (Security can carry a small sidearm. For everyone else, no guns): Desert Eagle, Gum. Personality: Nice, Helpful Likes: Humans, Space Exploration. Dislikes: Other Species (somewhat), Strange noises. Bio (At least two sentences): Tim was usually a nice kid, talked alot and had friends, his parents weren't as nice, they didn't care for him and beat him sometimes. So he trained to be tough, he usually took out his anger at a local gym, on a punching bag. He became a mercenary pretty much, always for hire to protect people, and places. Now he was hired here, so he sticks with his job and protects this place the best he can.
#22062747Saturday, March 06, 2010 1:02 PM GMT

I woke up freaked out that dream freaked me so bad that I though that evryone that walked in the door would be the monster.I went to get some breakfast.

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