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#220777339Saturday, July 08, 2017 8:45 AM GMT

Please follow the rules if your security! Rule 1: You will always listen to HR and MR. If you got any problems, DM/PM your Head of Security. Don't DM the Chairman about security problems! Rule 2: You'll have mod. Do not abuse this and do not use the fun commands. This will count as abuse. Abuse is never tolerated at our cafe. If you do you'll have a warning, After that a removal of your mod. To get it back, We'll set a time on the mod. Show your respect and do your best to get it back. Rule 3: Security get their own tools. Do not abuse them. If you do you will get a toolban of your tools or even a ban. You'll have a holding cell, If they reset. Don't matter, They can walk around. If they go on with their trolling, You'll call an administrator via PM (NOT M OR H). Rule 4: Security should respect everyone and have a great grammar. If you refuse to do, You'll have a couple warnings. The next step is kick/ban. Rule 5: Don't spam the chairman. He will answer you so quick as he can. Use those rules. Signed, Sanderdebouwer. Chairman of Cafe La Beans.

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