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#220994605Monday, July 10, 2017 7:54 PM GMT

My boy how I loved you so. But now you left me all alone. And it seems nobody helps. I'm just here on my own. Is this what loves feels like? When you get down on your own? And your put you hands to sky? And so lord oh help me so? I put your face on a milk carton. And I got you on Nancy G. But the only person who cared at all was Al Sharpt0n. He came to me in my lonely nights. Telling me that everything would be all right. Touched my neck, And my crack Made me feel like you were coming back! AND THERE YOU CAMEEEEE! OUT FROM THE BACK OF DOLLAR GENERAL! AND I SAW YOUR DAZZLING FACE. I HUGGED AL AND I MADE HIM A REAL PAL! CAUSE HE FILLED ME WITH HIS "GRACE" But then I woke up from this dream. And my boy wasn't really there. This dream seemed so alive. And just showed me a lie. My child is gone. But I'm not alone. Al got a comb. And ran it through my bacon hair. And then I knew he was the one... yes
#220994771Monday, July 10, 2017 7:56 PM GMT

#221002855Monday, July 10, 2017 9:33 PM GMT

this is not a laughing matter as you can see
#221081806Tuesday, July 11, 2017 8:24 PM GMT

hi kate, maddie is under the sea covered in ur partner's seamen
#221093116Tuesday, July 11, 2017 10:57 PM GMT


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